Janssen Oncology


How is this division to work for? I am an experienced oncology rep and considering applying. The pipeline looks good but I have heard mixed reviews on the managers....they seem to be micro managing primary care types. Also heard goals on both hematology and solid are not realistic and difficult to attain target. Thanks for the feedback.
With hematology reps only having one product and the expansion there, how does that effect the solid tumor rep division? Are they decreasing reps on solid to add to the heme side? When does that alignment go into effect?

How is this division to work for? I am an experienced oncology rep and considering applying. The pipeline looks good but I have heard mixed reviews on the managers....they seem to be micro managing primary care types. Also heard goals on both hematology and solid are not realistic and difficult to attain target. Thanks for the feedback.
With hematology reps only having one product and the expansion there, how does that effect the solid tumor rep division? Are they decreasing reps on solid to add to the heme side? When does that alignment go into effect?

This is a part time gig and perfect for a busy Mom or a Dad wanting to start up a side business. The access to Docs is zero. Most DMs over 50 are being pushed out while being replaced with 30 year old "know it alls". If you can suck it up and one of the two description applies to you, take it. Otherwise pass. It is the doormat of the Onc biotech industry and the pension is far less when compared to most companies bennies. And dat be da truth.

Can you elaborate on the pipeline. For example the 700 million I/O deal that was inked in for the future. Any word on what oncology will be like at Janssen in the next few years...

Great pipeline= really small territories with some of them with little access because they are so small, high goals and expectations, lots of 35 year old managers who are micro managers (like JM out of San Diego) who are clueless about access in oncology clinics. Pension may or may not be here.

Great pipeline= really small territories with some of them with little access because they are so small, high goals and expectations, lots of 35 year old managers who are micro managers (like JM out of San Diego) who are clueless about access in oncology clinics. Pension may or may not be here.

Fuck oncology! Territories will get larger. Layoffs from BW!

No layoffs...great drugs to sell...as we all know it depends on the manager you have if you have happiness or not....oncology is the best division at JNJ...all the other toads from other J & J divisions are always trying to land a position here.

I'm ONC also. I go back to the Ortho Biotech days. Territories are large but in April we will probably have only a few lay offs where as the other divisions are dead and to be gutted. If there is any safety at JnJ it is in Onc.

phoenix experienced onc rep here looking to bail current company considering a change so define janssen culture and training and metrics and goals and ride longs etc. plz

phoenix experienced onc rep here looking to bail current company considering a change so define janssen culture and training and metrics and goals and ride longs etc. plz

Not a good position for an experienced onc rep. Lots of field days (back to back), messsging and micro-style manager. Especially in the West/Southwest. You will be miserable.

Janssen CVM changes today making all look for other opportunities. What are the vacant territories ? Dynamic Engagement Plan is going to be downfall. The Machine will let you know.