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Could not agree more...the pres, NSD’s, FSD’s, Marketing directors, Group Product Directors, Product Directors, etc, have completely underestimated the complexities of launching this new product and clearly do not completely appreciate or understand the direct relationship between our HCP’s providing a clinical service and their ability to be fairly compensated for their time.  They seem to truly believe that our customer’s reluctance to use this product is some sort of “smoke screen” and need to be more clinically sold - and oh yeah, let’s educate our customers on how to submit a PA, code and the appeal process.  I guess that’s kind of like our doctors/customers providing education to us on how to enter our calls into veeva. As a result, the blaming game has become predictable, intolerable, and at times comical.  With this, there is no accountability with anyone, infighting amongst the teams, and the launch is failing. Leadership should hold themselves accountable and admit to their shortcomings- first and foremost!

Very well said. I can tell you actually work at Janssen because this is exactly the way it is.  The "quit your crying snowflake" person is a manager on the East Coast that is obsessed with what is said on CP. I have seen this manager posting on CP in the waiting room of a doctor's office, trolling the competition. What a complete loser.