Jan goals given in the last few days of the month?


I'm fairly new, does this happen a lot? It seems unreasonbale to give a goal in the last few days. Is it legal? I am thinking they need to pay us. Maybe we should get someone to look at this. It doesn't seem right.

Yes. It's happened every year that I've been here. It sucks and life isn't fair. Your RM should have communicated to you that your goal would most likely be Jan 2011 sales plus an additional 6% to help you plan your month. Legal? As in the 'Goal Police'? Good luck with that! Of course you feel like you deserve to be paid! You showed up to work, right? That's why you have a salary! Bonus is paid based on hard work and commitment, not entitlement! Now, go bust your ass. Spend more time in the field and less time on Cafepharma. You have 3 days to hit that goal you just got. Sorry you didn't prepare better.

Mine went up a lot more than 6%. You must be from the home office or drinking the corporate cool aid. It is illegal by the way. Any time they need a conference call to explain goals means there must be a lot of people saying there is something wrong. All the other post make claims that there is a lot of favoritism. You have a lovely attitude.

I am neither from home office nor think the company doesn't have flaws. I just choose to take the challenge rather than fight or complain. It does make it difficult to stay in the field when there are multiple mandatory conference calls to explain goaling. Pay attention the first time. There is NO favoritism when it comes to goals where I'm concerned. In fact I can guarantee that mine went up more than 6% also, but at least the gap is smaller than if I sincerely acted like I had no clue what my goal would be. I may not even hit it, but I'm sure not going to make excuses and 'blame' others for not wanting to work hard.