JAMA - VA model misleading quality measures.

For ALL you MORONS that think the VA model is the way to go...

Pitfalls of Converting Practice Guidelines Into Quality Measures
Lessons Learned From a VA Performance Measure


We the people simply endorse giving the ability of the US govt to negotiate it's prices
for drugs the same way the VA does. Once again you obfuscated the issue with this
irrelevant link.

We the people do NOT support the fixed profit / pricing pharma lobbysists with their hundreds of millions of funds utilized to bribe a few hack political stooges including barry
to maintain the status quo which means the US consumer is denied basic rights afforded in every other country in the civilized world.

To correct this oversight please contribute to the soon to be live;
Citizens for fair Drug Pricing PAC

For ALL you MORONS that think the VA model is the way to go...

Pitfalls of Converting Practice Guidelines Into Quality Measures
Lessons Learned From a VA Performance Measure


Paul Krugman disagreed, comparing patients in the Medicare Advantage plans, which are administered by private contractors with a subsidy of 11% over traditional Medicare, to the VA system: mortality rates in Medicare Advantage plans are 40% higher than mortality of elderly veterans treated by the V.A., said Krugman, citing the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission

Paul Krugman disagreed, comparing patients in the Medicare Advantage plans, which are administered by private contractors with a subsidy of 11% over traditional Medicare, to the VA system: mortality rates in Medicare Advantage plans are 40% higher than mortality of elderly veterans treated by the V.A., said Krugman, citing the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission

Paul Krugman is the BIGGEST LIBERAL HACK EVER.... now give me a link MORON.
The Bottomline is that the VA has NO TRUE Qualitative Measures.
It only shows if the physicians checked the box.

You morons want to lower cost no matter what the outcome. You want to try and stick it to the so-called rich so bad that you are willing to throw-out quality medicine.
Quality medicine will go away and the rich will still be rich.... and they will be the only ones who can afford quality medicine while your dumbass is stuck with shit medicine for the masses with your thumb up your ass.

We the people simply endorse giving the ability of the US govt to negotiate it's prices
for drugs the same way the VA does. Once again you obfuscated the issue with this
irrelevant link.

We the people do NOT support the fixed profit / pricing pharma lobbysists with their hundreds of millions of funds utilized to bribe a few hack political stooges including barry
to maintain the status quo which means the US consumer is denied basic rights afforded in every other country in the civilized world.

To correct this oversight please contribute to the soon to be live;
Citizens for fair Drug Pricing PAC

$80 billion moron... how much more do you want?
Tell me HOW THAT WORKS.... What's the process.
Does Government just MAGICALLY STEP-IN, WAVE ITS WAND and POOF.... prices go down.

You are a fucking TOTAL DRONE.

Paul Krugman is the BIGGEST LIBERAL HACK EVER.... now give me a link MORON.
The Bottomline is that the VA has NO TRUE Qualitative Measures.
It only shows if the physicians checked the box.


This report is a product of the HSR&D Evidence-Based Synthesis Program (ESP)

Ten comparative studies assessing the use of preventive services, care for acute and chronic medical conditions, and changes in health status, including mortality, showed superior performance–as measured by greater adherence to accepted processes of care, better health outcomes, or improved patient ratings of care–for healthcare delivered in the VA compared with care delivered outside the VA.
Studies of the quality of hospital and nursing home care demonstrate similar risk-adjusted mortality rates in VA facilities compared with non-VA facilities. VA hospitals had somewhat better patient safety outcomes compared with non-VA hospitals.

Studies of the quality of mental healthcare demonstrate that the quality of antidepressant prescribing is slightly better in VA compared to private sector settings.
Elderly VA patients were less likely to be prescribed potentially inappropriate medications than elderly patients receiving care through Medicare managed care plans.
Stroke patients receiving rehabilitation in VA settings were discharged with better functional outcomes.

Of four general surgery studies, three revealed no significant differences in adjusted post-operative morbidity rates, while one found significantly lower rates of post-operative morbidity in the VA setting compared with the private sector.

Three of the four studies assessed risk-adjusted mortality rates, and of these, two found no significant difference across settings.
Of three solid organ transplant articles, two found no significant differences in patient survival when comparing VA patients with non-VA patients. Additionally, one of these found no significant difference in graft survival between these two groups.

Overall, the available literature suggests that the care provided in the VA compares favorably to non-VA care systems. Studies that used accepted process of care measures and intermediate outcomes measures, such as control of blood pressure or hemoglobin A1c, for quality measurements almost always found VA performed better than non-VA comparison groups. Studies looking at risk-adjusted outcomes generally have found no differences between VA and non-VA care, with some reports of better outcomes in VA .

Paul Krugman disagreed, comparing patients in the Medicare Advantage plans, which are administered by private contractors with a subsidy of 11% over traditional Medicare, to the VA system: mortality rates in Medicare Advantage plans are 40% higher than mortality of elderly veterans treated by the V.A., said Krugman, citing the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission

If Krugman has his way we would all be like Greece, Italy, and Spain. Krugman would be saying let the old people die because they are a drain on society. What do they contribute? The old people have a duty to die. It is for the betterment of society. Socialists Bastard. That is all fine a dandy until you get old.

Regardless of media views, the VA has established itself as an innovative healthcare system, including implementation of its advanced electronic medical record, with broad clinical and educational missions.


Here's your link shit for brains

What an ABSOLUTE TYPICAL LIBERAL DRONE..... copies and pastes ONLY a small part of the ENTIRE statement:

Summary / Overview
It remains unclear where the Veterans Health Administration (VA) finds itself in the spectrum of care currently available in the United States. The quality of care provided by the VA has been subject to debate since, and well before, the VA’s system transformation starting in the mid-90s. Media and entertainment vehicles have, rightly or wrongly, not infrequently portrayed VA care in less than optimal light, although there have been notable exceptions.

And NOW you know the rest of the story.... MORON


Shhhhh....... listen. Can you hear it? It is the faint sound of this liberal-drone's world-view being totally deconstructed. It is music to my ears. Facts almost ALWAYS have that impact on DRONES.