I've seen enough!


I've seen enough lies on this message board from Medtronic and their proxies. "Bio ruined my marriage", "Super Bowl tickets" , etc.

Now it's my turn...

The local Medtronic manager, Jay Hendrickson (yeah I said it), needs to reign in their charitable contributions to Dr. BB. His rep boy, Jeff Wall (yeah I said it again), is the de facto office manager for the practice...and concierge services...don't get me started...tickets for hockey, football, etc.

Good old-fashioned everyday cheating.

Don't believe it? Check it out for yourself.

Is this the black dude who has all the skin tags? Maybe if you spent less time on your boat having greasy clinicals run around for you, you would have less complaining to do.

Is this the black dude who has all the skin tags? Maybe if you spent less time on your boat having greasy clinicals run around for you, you would have less complaining to do.

Jeff...is that you???? You're quite the renaissance man! CRM rep, concierge, liar, cheater, and now, racist.


Identifying you as black isn't racist. Identifying you as a slime ball isn't racist. Identifying you as a slime ball black dude is just calling you a Biotronik rep.

So this IS Jeff. Are you a little sensitive because my friends in the South Bay are encroaching on your business with BB?

Funny, you deny that you're a racist but fully accept being a criminal.

Oh, and by the way, when you refer to my friend's Hispanic clinicals as "greasy," you're a racist too.

I've seen enough lies on this message board from Medtronic and their proxies. "Bio ruined my marriage", "Super Bowl tickets" , etc.

Now it's my turn...

The local Medtronic manager, Jay Hendrickson (yeah I said it), needs to reign in their charitable contributions to Dr. BB. His rep boy, Jeff Wall (yeah I said it again), is the de facto office manager for the practice...and concierge services...don't get me started...tickets for hockey, football, etc.

Good old-fashioned everyday cheating.

Don't believe it? Check it out for yourself.

I know both of these guys as well as BB and you have said nothing here that proves any dishonest business practice. Yes, Medtronic has long time loyal doc's proven throughout the years....and that's a problem? I know for a fact BB has not been to any MDT programs or MDT affiliated/sponsored programs in years, including football games....FYI he hates sports! I know other doc's that OWN their seats near or next to reps but that's totally legal.

So, aside from you sounding like a complete idiot and having a limited ability to spell, you need to focus your anger somewhere else. Becuase you have not been able to illegally lure BB or any other loyal MDT docs doesn't mean anything other than you're just another incapable BIO rep.

And, really? The Race Card? Don't play that here. You suck at sales and you work for a shit company and that's simply a bad combination. Perhaps a new career with another company would make you less hateful.

Hate to see all the brutality. Truth is, Bio reps will continue to be frustrated and get their asses kicked. Don't lash out at the rest of us. Best advice is to find something else. Market forces will dictate the demise of Bio.

Hate to see all the brutality. Truth is, Bio reps will continue to be frustrated and get their asses kicked. Don't lash out at the rest of us. Best advice is to find something else. Market forces will dictate the demise of Bio.

Pure comedy! A BIO rep naming names about MDT reps and doc's being unethical yet can't produce one single piece of evidence. Classic! Because BIO has built their business on unethical practices they struggle to be convincing when attempting to accuse others. Who's going to listen anyways? All the SD BIO reps are rejects from the Big 3 or Daddy/brother is a dirty physician. Keep swinging maybe you'll hit something!

Pure comedy! A BIO rep naming names about MDT reps and doc's being unethical yet can't produce one single piece of evidence. Classic! Because BIO has built their business on unethical practices they struggle to be convincing when attempting to accuse others. Who's going to listen anyways? All the SD BIO reps are rejects from the Big 3 or Daddy/brother is a dirty physician. Keep swinging maybe you'll hit something!

What evidence has ever been produced on this site by anyone?

What evidence has ever been produced on this site by anyone?

Here's evidence; last week in a CL in La Jolla CA a recently hired BIO rep who came from BSX first initial M ran around the lab asking why BSX was doing a case with dr. DM because she had a "contract" with him....Contract? Huh? This was her first week in our acct and this is what you hired???? What a clown...heard she is pulling the same stuff up the road at another hospital with JR. This person is well known in SD for having no clinical skills and proves to be a complete disgrace to our industry. She's been turned down by every company....a perfect fit for BIO.

Here's evidence; last week in a CL in La Jolla CA a recently hired BIO rep who came from BSX first initial M ran around the lab asking why BSX was doing a case with dr. DM because she had a "contract" with him....Contract? Huh? This was her first week in our acct and this is what you hired???? What a clown...heard she is pulling the same stuff up the road at another hospital with JR. This person is well known in SD for having no clinical skills and proves to be a complete disgrace to our industry. She's been turned down by every company....a perfect fit for BIO.

I repeat, where is the EVIDENCE? You make CLAIMS just like everyone else on this site.