It's time RDs!!!


You've told us how you'd have our backs. They have now told us more pieces of the puzzle, but we never saw the geographies. You have those, and pretty much know the workload centers, the home addresses of your reps, the performance reviews of your reps, and tenure. It is time to see if you are full of it or can help. I hope you help (off the record of course). This will ruin dreams and families.

You've told us how you'd have our backs. They have now told us more pieces of the puzzle, but we never saw the geographies. You have those, and pretty much know the workload centers, the home addresses of your reps, the performance reviews of your reps, and tenure. It is time to see if you are full of it or can help. I hope you help (off the record of course). This will ruin dreams and families.

Mine said all the right things but has disappeared lately. I'm hoping he gives us a clue.

Some will have a clearer picture now, some wont. Depends on the region.

My RD all of a sudden started acting like an ass towards me recently, I am guessing my days are numbered. So unfortunate bc this company was a great place to work for a while. I'm not sure what the dynamics will be like after all of this goes down on the off chance I am retained. I wonder if this is just the beginning of a downward turn or if the reps who remain & the company as a whole are going to come out on top in a better position. I am not even saying I disagree with the layoffs. I disagreed with the expansion & now look where we are. But I just have a feeling that this is the tip of the iceberg. For all of my friends who will remain with the company, I really hope my gut instinct is wrong.

If you don't think your RD is going to screw you before it's over if they have the chance think again. They will want to save their boy or their girl. Performance, Geography, Tenure my ass!

Im guessing that you are not their boy or girl?? Your fault..., I am mines, because I make their life easier!!!! They dont have to call me about syncronizing, or sample managemnst, teleconferences, etc. They tried to tell you these things were important....

If you don't think your RD is going to screw you before it's over if they have the chance think again. They will want to save their boy or their girl. Performance, Geography, Tenure my ass!

The RDs have no say in who stays or goes. A 3rd party company is using the criteria which you listed above to make the decision.

RD's had a say because they were the ones that gave some rated in th 300's a CM and some a MS. That's were the competencies could come into play. They may not have a direct decision now, but the rating that they gave you in the past is the trump card.
Do you get it Yet?

You've told us how you'd have our backs. They have now told us more pieces of the puzzle, but we never saw the geographies. You have those, and pretty much know the workload centers, the home addresses of your reps, the performance reviews of your reps, and tenure. It is time to see if you are full of it or can help. I hope you help (off the record of course). This will ruin dreams and families.

You are a fucking r*****! Do you really think they are going to tell you what the new geographies are with a post like this. Your stupid ass would probably post it!

If your dreams are to work at a shit hole company like Shire you got bigger problems. Second, if this is going to ruin your family then start looking for a FUCKING JOB!!!! They gave all of us a 30 day notice and based on the criteria you know if you should be worried. By the sound of are worried. Do something more production like whack your dick or sleep in then post stupid shit like this.

Well since you are obviously in the know, please enlighten us as to how things will go down exactly.

You need to network with reps from other companies slick dick!

Talked to the ones that have been laid off. They were told the same model for deciding layoffs...not much of that model was followed.

Go network with reps in your territory. You'll quickly see the consensus!!