It's all about the patient!


Shire is a joke. Charging 400, 500, 600K a year for treatments and suing companies that challenge their cash cow exploitation of these overpriced drugs.

You should all be ashamed to work for this phony corporation. For shame!

Shire is a joke. Charging 400, 500, 600K a year for treatments and suing companies that challenge their cash cow exploitation of these overpriced drugs.

You should all be ashamed to work for this phony corporation. For shame!

Last I checked, Shire is not a pharmacy. Might want to check with your pharmacy if you have a problem with the cost. If it's such an over priced drug maybe you should just take something else... or is the Shire medication superior in some way? Well then maybe it is worth the cost.
It could also be your insurance depending on what medication you're getting pissy about. So maybe you should complain to those first then get back to us.
Do you think it's super quick, easy and cheap to develop a medication and do the trails? You sound really unintelligent. But thanks for stopping by.