It's about time the dept ( OIG) investigates this fraudulent company


This company for 7 to 8 years has been doing the most fraudulent scamming lying deceitful business practices ever imaginable. I can't believe how long it took the OIG to become aware of it. honestly shame on the department of investigations for taking so long when they were so many whistleblowers going to them about issues. Not only whistleblowers but prescribing physicians with Jude concerns and the list goes on and on and they just ignored it.This company will be shut down within the next year when they find out all of the completely immoral, absolutely against the law business practices they conduct and actually promote the employees to do. I can list 20 things that are completely against the law and extremely shady and immoral but I don't even need to list them because you all know them. I'm just thankful that it's finally getting put on the front burner and exposed at this point. What goes around comes around Marshall and Whiting!!!! And to those of you that stuck around knowing all the issues, it's your own fault when you can't find a job and nobody hirees you. That's what you get for being lazy and sticking around!