It was one year ago today...


It was one year ago today, Novartis said go away. I was loyal, they were not, I guess you know what I got. They came and got my computer, samples and car, couldn't get in touch with the people in HR. This is life and the worst thing of all, are the friends I had that really weren't friends at all. So get ready Novartians tomorrow it may be you, but to tell the truth, there is nothing you can do. And to all of my former friends, I hope it is you.

I'm sorry you were laid off, and it apparently hasn't gone too well for you. I was laid off as well, but there is life after Novartis. Learn from it, laugh about it, and let it go!!! Life is too short to worry about the people you thought were your friends... you are out of sight, out of mind...and no longer a part of their reality.

I do agree though, it can be a jolt to your system to know that people you thought were your friends really weren't. I can think of a person or two that didn't even return my phone calls, but instead I choose to think of the ones that actually did call or text me to say they cared. Some still occasionally call, while certain others never were your friend, you just thought they were.

Your choice is to stay bitter, or to get better and move on!!! I hope you do the latter!!!

Trust me, NOBODY is your friend. They are all pretenders, liars, phonies; actors in the play and when things go south, your "friends" will be history. The sooner you learn this, the better equipped you will be to play the game in the future.

Nothing wrong with being bitter and angry. Those emotions provide great motivation and energy for the next chapter in life. As they say, living well is the best revenge. Move on to your next phase of life and you can look back at your Novartis cohorts and just smile or maybe even laugh at them.

One more thing..there is NO loyalty anymore. Don't waste any effort on trying to display loyalty. Do what you think is right. Trust your gut instincts and you will be right over 90% of the time.

Trust me, NOBODY is your friend. They are all pretenders, liars, phonies; actors in the play and when things go south, your "friends" will be history. The sooner you learn this, the better equipped you will be to play the game in the future.

Nothing wrong with being bitter and angry. Those emotions provide great motivation and energy for the next chapter in life. As they say, living well is the best revenge. Move on to your next phase of life and you can look back at your Novartis cohorts and just smile or maybe even laugh at them.

One more thing..there is NO loyalty anymore. Don't waste any effort on trying to display loyalty. Do what you think is right. Trust your gut instincts and you will be right over 90% of the time.

I was also laid off from Novartis, and agree 100% with you. I have to say I should have obeyed my gut instinct about certain people, but I never wanted to believe the worst of anyone. There are no real friends at Novartis. It's just a bunch of people terrified as they are drowning, and they are grasping anything they can and pulling it down with them.

They say when God closes a door... Well, I had the most wonderful things happen to me after the layoff. None of it would have been possible if that hadn't happened.

Let go of the negativity. Good things will happen for you. Good luck to all.

  • RTBKPL   Dec 02, 2011 at 09:56: AM
Right you was one year ago today that we got the phone call from our DMs. I have since landed another job with a device company. A small company indeed but with a pay check quite close to my old pay, a good benefit package and a better company car than the one I had. No one knows how long a gig like this will last but life is a gamble and I intend to roll the dice until the fat lady sings. The only guarantee in life is that there are no guarantees.

Give Novartis credit, they gave everyone a years health care for free and other separation benefits that they are not required to give. As much bad as we can say about the company, we can say just as much good. Pharma did it to themselves by upsizing too fast, annoying doctors with too many reps selling the same products and creating an environment where government intervention and restrictions has put the air brakes out. It's all about the pipeline and when the pipeline becomes a pipe dream the feces makes physical contact with the whirling blades of an electrically driven cooling device and......well you know what happens.

Most everyone I know who was laid off and wanted to go back to work has found a job, myself included. An over 60, pharma rep for a quarter decade who was told he might not ever find reasonable employment again has managed to beat the odds. Every time I turn around I see people finding employment. Yes it's a bad time but the college educated crowd can still do better than the majority of the 9% unemployed.

Network, network and when you are finished networking, network some more. It's undoubtedly the most effective way to find what you want. People who know you are more apt to be effective in your search than flooding the internet with your resume.

Hang in there folks and remember.......

Never let the bastards get you down.


It was one year ago today, Novartis said go away. I was loyal, they were not, I guess you know what I got. They came and got my computer, samples and car, couldn't get in touch with the people in HR. This is life and the worst thing of all, are the friends I had that really weren't friends at all. So get ready Novartians tomorrow it may be you, but to tell the truth, there is nothing you can do. And to all of my former friends, I hope it is you.

Former friends? This is a place where you worked, not a social club. You are a bitter old man. Grow up! It's business, not family. No one stabbed you in the back. This post shows how bitter you are. And save your "my friend you have know idea what you are talking about...". Sad. You are sad.

Coworkers don't equate to friends,, yeah everybody liked working together etc...but when you get voted off the island that its for your friendly coworkers..time to move on.

Former friends? This is a place where you worked, not a social club. You are a bitter old man. Grow up! It's business, not family. No one stabbed you in the back. This post shows how bitter you are. And save your "my friend you have know idea what you are talking about...". Sad. You are sad.

Hey idiot...go fuck yourself.