Yeah, there are things that are not the finest at Kowa, but having a company to work for where the environment isn't so stuffy, there is still a little bit of flexibility on who you can call on, where your voice can still be heard, and you know everyone personally at home office does make a difference. We don't spend endless hours at home doing paperwork, and in all honesty, you can be as good as your efforts make you here. I believe there is a big trade-off in working for small Pharma - and for the better. All this garbage people write on here is bologna - someone actually taking money from their own company and advertising it? Being rude to young new reps looking to start a career? Grow up, people. If you don't like it here, the answer is simple...LEAVE! I am sure Kowa would appreciate you doing them the favor. And NO, I am not some home office person. I too am a rep. Just experienced enough to know that we should appreciate what we have. I hope I am not the only one grateful for this great job I have in this economy.