It is time to talk to your lawyer


I have been with Merck >12 yrs. This is what I learned in the past 5yrs:

(1) You ask a question to managers: they do not say yes, they do not say no, they make sure a decision will not trace back to them at a later time
(2) Senior management will do everything to kill a different voice, cover up any misconduct, or derail investigation that may lead to a better path. They give up even apparent right solution in exchange to avoid accountability. So called "no risk approach"
(3) Leadership shield information so that a large chunk of wrong doing is not known to employee. They still enjoy privileges when most employee have lost much.

There are reasons for what happened today. The entire big pharma is not doing well and much happened at Merck is different. If you Know something, you can talk to your lawyer. Lawyer is expensive but there are exceptions. If you know something, your lawyer might pay you. Your severance might not be affected but again talk to your lawyer.

Ordinary scientist, salesman, and admin worker are not responsible for what is coming down today.