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It is not about the company you work for, it never was.

It's about the manager you have or "boss".
Simple statement, but its easy to miss.

Find good managers to work with, and you will have the world by the balls.

A great manager makes all the difference in the world. I’ve had both outstanding and toxic managers in my day and totally agree. But…..some companies definitely have more bells and whistles plus more lucrative total comp structures than others.

It's about the manager you have or "boss".
Simple statement, but its easy to miss.

Find good managers to work with, and you will have the world by the balls.

A great manager makes all the difference in the world. I’ve had both outstanding and toxic managers in my day and totally agree. But…..some companies definitely have more bells and whistles plus more lucrative total comp structures than others. I went from a traditional east coast big pharma to a blue blood west coast biotech….calling on the same specialty. It’s waaaaay different. But if I had a terrible manager it wouldn’t be worth it