It ain't over 'till it's over: RTBKPL


  • RTBKPL   May 30, 2011 at 09:33: AM
Yogi Berra was famous for sayings like that. Ken Smith said that others couldn't tell us when we were thru saying "it's not over 'till I (we) say it's over." Yesterday during the Indy 500, a 23 year old rookie had the race in the bag until the very last turn of the very last lap. He made a mistake, slid up the track and slammed the wall allowing the second place car to win the race. At the Coke 600, Dale Jr. had the race won....until he ran out of gas on the last lap, the second place car passed him to win.

Dan Weldon won the 500 and Kevin Harvick won the 600, both running in second place with the finish line in sight when things changed drastically.

Sometimes things change and you win....sometimes things change and you lose. Yesterday was a good lesson for all of us..... Don't give up 'till it's over and it ain't over 'till it's over.

Don't slam the wall and don't run out of gas folks.....the guy behind you might just win the race......

Never let the bastards get you down.


Why do YOU keep reading his posts and getting worked up enough to respond? Go about your merry way, back to mom's basement and your xbox and leave the masses is a free country (thanks to those brave enough to defend it for us) and free speech is a given right.

You obviously don't like what he says, so skip his postings and move on....nothing to see here......go read about how much your counterpart just made from the skin of your back - now that is something you should respond to.