No one has considered buying this company yet. No fundamental change in the company since it was purchased 5 years ago. Questionable measurements about increase in sales over the past 5 years. Mostly a company that is just ignored by the financial community. An IPO would be a disaster.

WP could use the cash to buy some great companies right now. If they could sell B+L they would. They can not.

Only way for the company to make money in the future is to build efficiency by consolidating the company.

This assclown Saunders would have everyone believe that he has rallied the troops and made B&L a high performing co. He also believes that if he repeats the same things over and over again, that the market will believe him. Like a politician repeating the same phrases over and over looking for votes.

Noone wants this dead dog.

The guys at ISTA must be laughing their tails off. We paid over 3X gross earnings for a company that has almost gone bankrupt twice. A sale and/or IPO of B&L just got much more remote thanks to these knuckle heads. Our cash flow will go up, we just got loaded with more debt, you know where this is all going.

Im pretty sure an ISTA rep was inquiring about the number of B&L reps there are. Have some decencie as It would suck to be in their shoes and not know if you're going to have a job or not.

Ista sales people got Bromday to be #1 NSAID on the market with 130 reps vs Allergan and Alcons 2000. We will blend the 2 sales forces together. Both companies are stretched too thin as far as coverage.

We don't want pods here, so no not many of them will be retained....we don't have counterparts. It will stay that way. Dust off your resumes istabots.

I don't want pods either. Don't think we would do that. Geez, I have a tough enough time with the products I already have in my bag so I would be pissed to have to pick up Bromday, Bepreve & Istalol plus adding allergists and peds to my list. No thanks.

Best case scenario is we do our thing, bring on the ISTA people and let them do their thing. Everyone keeps their product mix - no new training, no pods, etc. We can team up where it's beneficial (i.e. surgical accts).

My ISTA rep is cool and we've already worked some accounts together anyway so I'd be fine with it.

Are you kidding. We call on the same people they do with the same product line. We might add on to our sales force but we are not adding theirs. I feel bad for them. I bet there will be a surgical team (Bromday, Besivance) Then a rest Zirgan/Zylet/Bepreve team you do not want to be on. Ista peeps are not going to like this and especially the managers.