ISO Sales Job Texas


Hoping I can get some positive input......Looking for a sales job in the Houston area. Been on the bench since I graduated college (9 years ago) and I do not have "sales" experience. I have the lab experiance and knowledge but need a way in sales! Any advise is appreciated.


People who haven't been in sales typically seem to think they can just jump right in. If you have no experience in sales you should GET SOME doing another job before trying to get into medical sales.

Sales is a much harder job than those who don't do it for a living can comprehend. It's not just a job you clock in and out of, it's not just visits and discussions and paperwork, it's a personality type. If you don't fit the profile you can't do it no matter how hard you might try. You have to be self-motivated, willing to face rejection many, many times more than you score a win, you have to be sincere, know your services and products, care about them, and transfer your passion to the client you want to take away from someone else who probably cares just as much or more. You have to develop long-standing relationships, take calls at night and on weekends, step outside so you can get screamed at for someone else's mistake, and triage all the problems that land at your feet day in and day out.

I'm giving you this advice (not advise) you asked for, bench warmer, because if you somehow pass the personality tests and get them to overlook the fact that you have zero sales experience and manage to get the job... you'll never keep it if you can't handle the chaos. You'll be miserable, hate your job, your company, and they'll be worse off for having wasted their time hiring you. If all the above sounds like a fun challenge to you, by all means proceed. But as a sales rep myself, I do get so tired of average Joes out there thinking they could do what I do every day.

Have you ever tried sharpenning your skills? I enrolled in sales training at SELLability . it is awesome, I am almost half way with my training. Take the free, thorough Sales Skills Assessment test and gain insight to your strengths and weaknesses as a salesman.