Isn't it time to hold these airlines accountable?


Well-Known Member
Disputes involving animals on flights have made headlines in recent years. Last summer Delta rejected a pit bull and in 2018, Frontier Airlines removed a passenger for having an emotional support squirrel. The safety of service dogs and emotional support animals is a concern as is cleanliness, with the DOT reporting that airlines received more than 3,000 complaints about animals in 2018. How can people be so cruel and airlines be so insensitive?

You ARE kidding, right, VAG? Honestly, there is so little room on a plane as it is, when folks bring HUGE animals on board it makes it even smaller. Granted, some people have legitimate reasons for having a service animal on board, and I don't have any issues with them. I have issues with the folks who just don't want to leave Fifi behind because they're needy and not handicapped. They have managed to circumvent the situation and get one of those certificates. Now airlines are requiring the dogs pass some kind of command test, which I think is an excellent idea.

You ARE kidding, right, VAG? Honestly, there is so little room on a plane as it is, when folks bring HUGE animals on board it makes it even smaller. Granted, some people have legitimate reasons for having a service animal on board, and I don't have any issues with them. I have issues with the folks who just don't want to leave Fifi behind because they're needy and not handicapped. They have managed to circumvent the situation and get one of those certificates. Now airlines are requiring the dogs pass some kind of command test, which I think is an excellent idea.

Yes, I was joking. I think the whole 'support animal' thing is ridiculous unless you are actually handicapped. :cool:
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