if it was scweddy balls-then that would be alec baldwin typing the response, but it wasnt, it was me, and my balls were sweaty at that particular time
I am curious though, from the time we launched zipsor in 09, and all the reps we had on board that eventually lost their jobs--I wonder how many are still unemployed--I did hear with the first layoffs in 2010--some have had no luck as of yet finding meaningful employment--bouncing around from temp job to temp job
xanodyne exec's really fucked this company up, main thing was to fill their pockets and I still remember the shit target list we had--I would still like someone to explain--all of our detail pieces had cure all for women's cramps and the famous bunion study--but we had none, I repeat none of those physicians in our system to call on--had some bright ones running that company at the time-what a shame