Is this week going to look for us like what happened to Pfizer last week?


Is the sizing of this once great industry career going to start following lockstep with other big companies like Pfizer, GSK, AZ and others? Virtual engagements and web based interactive selling models are coming.


I don’t think so, Pfizer downsized because they have few products to market to Internal medicine doctors, and way too many reps in that division. The divisions that have viable products, reps were mostly kept in tact. Stop trying to scare people. Also their new virtual model is similar to what you already have in place here.

Doubtful we have any layoffs because we move towards virtual engagements. Everyone knows virtual engagements had little impact to begin with and even less as covid has died out. Is it true some offices are never allowing reps back in- of course. But those offices typically aren't open to virtual engagements because Dr.'s equally hate them.

I could see slight headcount reductions and larger territories to account for the increase of no access offices. A massive layoff- no.

I see it the other way. Covid priced that there’s not much need for so many field reps when virtual interaction is a much better cost effective way to spread the gospel, These field jobs are going boys, and they ain’t coming back to your hometown

I see it the other way. Covid priced that there’s not much need for so many field reps when virtual interaction is a much better cost effective way to spread the gospel, These field jobs are going boys, and they ain’t coming back to your hometown

Not really because even fewer Dr.'s want to participate in virtual interactions. If you think physical access is bad virtual access is even worse. Often times only with a nurse that we put in as a Dr. for metrics.