Is this true from 2013 article? Valeant assures no further Bausch + Lomb job cuts in

Re: Is this true from 2013 article? Valeant assures no further Bausch + Lomb job cuts

That article was in August 2013, there were more cuts in October, December and April - evidence shows that that article was not true.

Re: Is this true from 2013 article? Valeant assures no further Bausch + Lomb job cuts

I think the total number is well over 400 from the initial article. One big cut then a lot of little cuts.

Re: Is this true from 2013 article? Valeant assures no further Bausch + Lomb job cuts

I don't think anyone cares anymore. They know B+L is down and out. No rising from this technical knockout.

Re: Is this true from 2013 article? Valeant assures no further Bausch + Lomb job cuts

No kidding-I've never heard such an idiodic comment as, government caring about your job status. Seriously? I will never understand how the northeast can have so many dumb liberals! Omg-and someone tell on valeant because they are laying off! Look at the rest of this country you numbskull! It's in the toilet! Thanks to your dumbass liberal vote! You are supposed to vote for people based on fiscal responsibility, not your stupid social issues! Don't you see whatthese Obama crook liberals are doing? It is the end I am afraid-and not just Bausch and lomb!

Re: Is this true from 2013 article? Valeant assures no further Bausch + Lomb job cuts

In the article, the Valeant spokeperson said “no current plans for further headcount reductions.” That is not a guarantee of layoffs in the future.

Re: Is this true from 2013 article? Valeant assures no further Bausch + Lomb job cuts

maybe, now in Latin America for example they are planning to divest some assets. Vitamins related company ¨Probiotica¨ is in the ¨market¨looking for a owner. They are pushing to conclude it by end of June, so in Q2 they can show some cash for investidors...interesting because they acquired this company two years ago. Is this another mistake?