Is this the change you were hoping for?


Is this the change that all you ObamaNauts were hoping for? The only good that can come from this is that anyone who voted for Obama got let go. Let this awful event (Novartis Layoffs) serve as a wake-up call to all liberals. You can’t elect unaccomplished, unqualified, unmitigated Marxists to these positions of power. Obama and his willing accomplices are trying to transform our capitalist, free-market society and this is the beginning results of their efforts. Over-regulation, a government which is anti-business and a society which is law-suit crazy has lead to this. How does the Sunshine Act benefit anyone? Why should any government have the power to control so much? Why don’t these companies stand-up to government? Huge settlements paid to individuals and even larger payouts going to pay for government penalties… this is ludicrous. Keep voting for liberals/Marxist/socialists and this is what you will get. Now that we have some responsible adults coming back into power, hopefully government will begin to get out of the way and let people/companies be free to prosper once again. May the REAL HOPE begin in 2011.

Is this the change that all you ObamaNauts were hoping for? The only good that can come from this is that anyone who voted for Obama got let go. Let this awful event (Novartis Layoffs) serve as a wake-up call to all liberals. .

I think reasonable conservatives and liberals alike clearly see that pharma sales is a huge waste of resources in the economy. These layoffs are truly "rightsizing"... especially where Novartis is concerned.

And as far as a wake up call.... the massive pharma layoffs point to a saner pharma industry than in the past.

I think reasonable conservatives and liberals alike clearly see that pharma sales is a huge waste of resources in the economy. These layoffs are truly "rightsizing"... especially where Novartis is concerned.

And as far as a wake up call.... the massive pharma layoffs point to a saner pharma industry than in the past.

Spoken like a true anti-capitalist Marxist (i.e. liberal Democrat).

Is this the change that all you ObamaNauts were hoping for? The only good that can come from this is that anyone who voted for Obama got let go. Let this awful event (Novartis Layoffs) serve as a wake-up call to all liberals. You can’t elect unaccomplished, unqualified, unmitigated Marxists to these positions of power. Obama and his willing accomplices are trying to transform our capitalist, free-market society and this is the beginning results of their efforts. Over-regulation, a government which is anti-business and a society which is law-suit crazy has lead to this. How does the Sunshine Act benefit anyone? Why should any government have the power to control so much? Why don’t these companies stand-up to government? Huge settlements paid to individuals and even larger payouts going to pay for government penalties… this is ludicrous. Keep voting for liberals/Marxist/socialists and this is what you will get. Now that we have some responsible adults coming back into power, hopefully government will begin to get out of the way and let people/companies be free to prosper once again. May the REAL HOPE begin in 2011.

The responsible adults are in charge. Its the irresponsible whiners who write posts like yours.

Health care needs to be fixed badly. We have a terrible, expensive system that fails most of our population. Pharma contributes to the good, but also to the bad. And the bad stuff is being purged right now... like the crazy, overpaid, worthless sales forces of companies like Novartis.

Wow, let's count to ten here. People from outside the U.S. come here for the best possible outcomes. Our medical devices are innovative and our clinicians are well trained. If you're sick and you can travel, the U.S. is the destination of choice. Of course, it's not perfect. Nothing ever is perfect. There is waste, etc.. However, if your favorite ride needs tires, you don't pour gas all over it and set it on fire. You simply fix what needs to be fixed. Setting your car on fire and buying a new one is a much more expensive solution.

Never have I heard so much garbage. I think it is fair to say that if you are rich you come to the US.

Overall we have a healthcare system that delvers the worst outcomes in the developed (plus large parts of the developing) world aligned to the highest costs.

You've been hoodwinked dear boy

The responsible adults are in charge. Its the irresponsible whiners who write posts like yours.

Health care needs to be fixed badly. We have a terrible, expensive system that fails most of our population. Pharma contributes to the good, but also to the bad. And the bad stuff is being purged right now... like the crazy, overpaid, worthless sales forces of companies like Novartis.

The responsible adults who didn't read the health care bill? If that is responsibility in your mind, I pity you.

This bill was an F up from day one. If you actually think this bill will make any measurable difference in healthcare costs, you give way too much credit to the feds for being able to do anything correctly.

Have you ever considered that perhaps our regulations in this arena (be they good or bad) are what drives HC costs up so much?

Our HC costs going up is an American cultural problem from:

Trial lawyers
to people milking the system
to our own expectation of free healthcare
to the device and drug companies shennanigans
to the lack of general common sense of anyone.

This is the reason why the United States is 14 trillion in debt. Nobody from either party, or the American citizens themselves can hold themselves acountable for anything.

But, I forgot, the government can fix all of this...*cough.*

Real productive change will never happen. If you think it will, stop living in a hippy dream world.

Re: Is this the change you were hoping for SUNSHINE LAW?

So why doesnt the federal govt start posting the KICKBACKS and BONUS checks that physicians are paid by their managed care companies? WOW?!? Is that a novel idea? So they are going to have every cent published on line for each little cup of coffee a rep brings in? HELLO people PHARMA IS DYING. There were over 90,000 jobs lost in the industry and it was the greatest job loss in the private sector. SCREW BIG GOVT!!!!!

Re: Is this the change you were hoping for SUNSHINE LAW?

So why doesnt the federal govt start posting the KICKBACKS and BONUS checks that physicians are paid by their managed care companies? WOW?!? Is that a novel idea? So they are going to have every cent published on line for each little cup of coffee a rep brings in? HELLO people PHARMA IS DYING. There were over 90,000 jobs lost in the industry and it was the greatest job loss in the private sector. SCREW BIG GOVT!!!!!

Industry is bloated, unproductive and greedy. About time to get its house in order.

Re: Is this the change you were hoping for SUNSHINE LAW?

Industry is bloated, unproductive and greedy. About time to get its house in order.

Substitute "the federal government" instead of "industry" and I agree with you.

Ohhh those terrible drug companies that employ hundreds of thousands of blue and white collar workers. You know, from research scientists to marketing people to truck drivers to warehouse folks to accounts payable/receivable...Unproductive? Since when? If they just pitched sugar pills I'd agree with you. Many of the drugs that have come out the past 10 years have been amazing...To say "unproductive" means you aren't paying attention.

I am not saying I love companies, they do some douchey things, but the vitriol that so many people have for them is mind boggling. I would assume that since you hate the drug companies that you would equally hate the federal government for being "bloated, unproductive and greedy?"

Re: Is this the change you were hoping for SUNSHINE LAW?

Substitute "the federal government" instead of "industry" and I agree with you.

Ohhh those terrible drug companies that employ hundreds of thousands of blue and white collar workers. You know, from research scientists to marketing people to truck drivers to warehouse folks to accounts payable/receivable...Unproductive? Since when? If they just pitched sugar pills I'd agree with you. Many of the drugs that have come out the past 10 years have been amazing...To say "unproductive" means you aren't paying attention.

I am not saying I love companies, they do some douchey things, but the vitriol that so many people have for them is mind boggling. I would assume that since you hate the drug companies that you would equally hate the federal government for being "bloated, unproductive and greedy?"

Nobody hates the industry. Or anything else for that matter,

Of course the industry is unproductive. Research scientists researching yet another me too. NCEs virtually non existent. Sales people delivering yet another Pizza. Accounts folks raising invoices for yet another $60K relating to a cancer drug that doesn't do anything other than deliver 3 months of progression free survival, Need I go on?

The whole system needs an overhaul. Government needs to step in

Re: Is this the change you were hoping for SUNSHINE LAW?

Nobody hates the industry. Or anything else for that matter,

Of course the industry is unproductive. Research scientists researching yet another me too. NCEs virtually non existent. Sales people delivering yet another Pizza. Accounts folks raising invoices for yet another $60K relating to a cancer drug that doesn't do anything other than deliver 3 months of progression free survival, Need I go on?

The whole system needs an overhaul. Government needs to step in

The government will never do anything. You know that. You live in a dream world. Politicians receive campaign contributions from drug lobbyists, drug companies that operate in the states of democrat and republican senators where the senators are too afraid to piss of their constituencies by voting for something that might hurt those companies, etc etc. If the "all caring" government would tackle those problems first, I'd agree with you that then the Government should step in. It can't happen and you know that.

If you think the government can affect positive change on anything like this, I really wish I could live in your world where the Government is really there to help the people. The Government is there to perpetuate its own existence, get bigger and protect its own interest.

Government stepping in will change nothing. The Government is too beholden to corporate money. Always will be.

Re: Is this the change you were hoping for SUNSHINE LAW?

The government will never do anything. You know that. You live in a dream world. Politicians receive campaign contributions from drug lobbyists, drug companies that operate in the states of democrat and republican senators where the senators are too afraid to piss of their constituencies by voting for something that might hurt those companies, etc etc. If the "all caring" government would tackle those problems first, I'd agree with you that then the Government should step in. It can't happen and you know that.

If you think the government can affect positive change on anything like this, I really wish I could live in your world where the Government is really there to help the people. The Government is there to perpetuate its own existence, get bigger and protect its own interest.

Government stepping in will change nothing. The Government is too beholden to corporate money. Always will be.

All great change has beed based on government intervention. Just look at the post war golden years based on Breton Woods

Bad governments are meek and timid

Lack of regulation gets us to where we are today

Moan about government if you want but it remains your only salvation.

Get involved

Re: Is this the change you were hoping for SUNSHINE LAW?

All great change has beed based on government intervention. Just look at the post war golden years based on Breton Woods

Bad governments are meek and timid

Lack of regulation gets us to where we are today

Moan about government if you want but it remains your only salvation.

Get involved

Governments have also been at the hand of horrible oppression of rights, even in the US. The US still continues to oppress homosexuals for example. The government has the ability to take away rights, ala the patriot act, etc.

I am just curious...what sort of job do you have?

I have always wondered with types like there ever a time when too much government could EVER be viewed at as a bad thing? Is there ever such a thing as "a bad regulation" to you?

Doesn't matter anyways, you and I are owned by corporate America. To think you or I can effectutate change is a laugh-stock.

And by the way God is my only salvation. Governments rise and fall. The US will continue to lose its hegemony as China takes over...and guess what, China has very little regulation.

God is always there.

Good day.

Re: Is this the change you were hoping for SUNSHINE LAW?

Governments have also been at the hand of horrible oppression of rights, even in the US. The US still continues to oppress homosexuals for example. The government has the ability to take away rights, ala the patriot act, etc.

I am just curious...what sort of job do you have?

I have always wondered with types like there ever a time when too much government could EVER be viewed at as a bad thing? Is there ever such a thing as "a bad regulation" to you?

Doesn't matter anyways, you and I are owned by corporate America. To think you or I can effectutate change is a laugh-stock.

And by the way God is my only salvation. Governments rise and fall. The US will continue to lose its hegemony as China takes over...and guess what, China has very little regulation.

God is always there.

Good day.

Hmmmmmm,,,,,,,,,,,lovin' all the learned logic here

What about God et al. They seem to be in the frame here. Do you think that premiums would be abolished alongside pre-existing conditions? Would sinners be refused a transplant?