Is this the change that all you ObamaNauts were hoping for? The only good that can come from this is that anyone who voted for Obama got let go. Let this awful event (Novartis Layoffs) serve as a wake-up call to all liberals. You can’t elect unaccomplished, unqualified, unmitigated Marxists to these positions of power. Obama and his willing accomplices are trying to transform our capitalist, free-market society and this is the beginning results of their efforts. Over-regulation, a government which is anti-business and a society which is law-suit crazy has lead to this. How does the Sunshine Act benefit anyone? Why should any government have the power to control so much? Why don’t these companies stand-up to government? Huge settlements paid to individuals and even larger payouts going to pay for government penalties… this is ludicrous. Keep voting for liberals/Marxist/socialists and this is what you will get. Now that we have some responsible adults coming back into power, hopefully government will begin to get out of the way and let people/companies be free to prosper once again. May the REAL HOPE begin in 2011.