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Is this industry a scam?


I'm looking to get in the industry.. I have some friends already working at a few companies and they have told me to stay away. They said this industry is basically a scam. Meaning that reps are trying to convince the doctors that the medicine they are selling is the best for whatever condition it's approved for. They said that more and more doctors, administrators, HMO'S to name a few are saying it's even unethical for Doctors to talk with reps. That reps should not be involved in the healthcare system.


I'm looking to get in the industry.. I have some friends already working at a few companies and they have told me to stay away. They said this industry is basically a scam. Meaning that reps are trying to convince the doctors that the medicine they are selling is the best for whatever condition it's approved for. They said that more and more doctors, administrators, HMO'S to name a few are saying it's even unethical for Doctors to talk with reps. That reps should not be involved in the healthcare system.

that and more......a dying sham/ a joke and an embarassment

Poster is spot on. Industry is dying "as a career". You are less valued then ever before, Your DBM and RBD will just do what they have to in order to "cya". So many forces no exist that most of the sales numbers are not even in your control.

I'm looking to get in the industry.. I have some friends already working at a few companies and they have told me to stay away. They said this industry is basically a scam. Meaning that reps are trying to convince the doctors that the medicine they are selling is the best for whatever condition it's approved for. They said that more and more doctors, administrators, HMO'S to name a few are saying it's even unethical for Doctors to talk with reps. That reps should not be involved in the healthcare system.

The job in essence is a "delivery service". We deliver samples and food to physicians in hopes they'll prescribe our drugs. That's it and nothing more. They are not interested in our promotional message or our value card. Depending on where you are in the Nation, a lot of physicians are bound to prescribing generics in order to adhere to clinical guidelines in order to be a recipient for pay for performance.

Unfortunately, BMS fails to accept the fact that generic utilization is becoming more prevelant with prescribers. The "me too" drugs are no longer going to be welcomed, i.e. Onglyza/Kombiglyze XR.

Look for a job that brings value to society!

The job in essence is a "delivery service". We deliver samples and food to physicians in hopes they'll prescribe our drugs. That's it and nothing more. They are not interested in our promotional message or our value card. Depending on where you are in the Nation, a lot of physicians are bound to prescribing generics in order to adhere to clinical guidelines in order to be a recipient for pay for performance.

Unfortunately, BMS fails to accept the fact that generic utilization is becoming more prevelant with prescribers. The "me too" drugs are no longer going to be welcomed, i.e. Onglyza/Kombiglyze XR.

Look for a job that brings value to society!

Right! Like lawyers.

I'm looking to get in the industry.. I have some friends already working at a few companies and they have told me to stay away. They said this industry is basically a scam. Meaning that reps are trying to convince the doctors that the medicine they are selling is the best for whatever condition it's approved for. They said that more and more doctors, administrators, HMO'S to name a few are saying it's even unethical for Doctors to talk with reps. That reps should not be involved in the healthcare system.

It's not unethical to make sure a doc is using our products correctly, your HMO's say it's 'unethical' becuase their bottom line is driven by conversion to generic drugs. That's everything about a business decision and NOT anything to do with moral codes. The HMO's have played a part in convincing docs that's it's unethical to drive their profit maximizing agenda. Generics will rarely be good substitues for branded. Ex(s), HCTZ may work as well as ARBs in absolute value reductions in BP but that will come at a cost of increased side affects. Albuterol and Xopeneix have same efficacy but the brand has way less side effects. The HMO's could give a shit if you experience side effects (along as they aren't lethal) because it maximizes their streams of profit.

Don't be swayed by HMO's. You deserve medications than what an insurance organization thinks you should have.

It's not unethical to make sure a doc is using our products correctly, your HMO's say it's 'unethical' becuase their bottom line is driven by conversion to generic drugs. That's everything about a business decision and NOT anything to do with moral codes. The HMO's have played a part in convincing docs that's it's unethical to drive their profit maximizing agenda. Generics will rarely be good substitues for branded. Ex(s), HCTZ may work as well as ARBs in absolute value reductions in BP but that will come at a cost of increased side affects. Albuterol and Xopeneix have same efficacy but the brand has way less side effects. The HMO's could give a shit if you experience side effects (along as they aren't lethal) because it maximizes their streams of profit.

Don't be swayed by HMO's. You deserve medications than what an insurance organization thinks you should have.

HCTZ has a very legitimate place in treating hypertension, look at the long term data.

Why would you want to join a company ( or an industry for that matter ) where your corporate correspondence is leaked to the world ? Just imagine what happens to your personal email over your company computer........

Your friends are wise to tell you to stay out. If you do get into pharma, depending on your iq,you will think it's great. After a few months, if you have any integrity or want to actually sell a product, you will develop ulcers and become insecure about what you do for a living. People will think you have a great job, but deep down inside you'll know what you do is meaningless. You'll dread waking up in the morning,knowing that you have to go offices that don't want your product or won't even see you. If you have a bad manager,look out. That's even if you have good products. You'll go to a hospital or professional building make a bunch of calls, get back in your car and ask yourself,"what the hell did I just do?" How do I know all this,I've been doing this job for 8 months. I used to be fairly intelligent and aggressive. My mind has atrophied and being aggressive means absolutely nothing in this industry. It's not sales it's some form of marketing.