Is there a way to tell?



Is there a way to tell which Dr's give out their prescribing information to the databases that reps have?

My Dr. said they no longer allow reps in and because of that no longer get samples, it hurts those people without insurance, but apparently they have a bit more time with patients or to take lunch.

Most docs do, they have to opt out. Docs do not get paid anything.

Opting out hurts patients because docs that do opt out generally don't receive samples in as great of quantity.

Your case is different, your doc cut reps off and that hurts patients too. I personally wouldn't like a doc that never spoke to reps and I'll give you an example why. I once overheard a doc telling a patient it was okay to cut drug in half. The drug used a delivery method called OROS where it used osmotic pressure to push drug out of capsule.

No doc, you can't cut drug in half. I told him that after patient left and he laughed that maybe he should listen a little to his reps.

Take away the pushing our product aspect, reps still educate docs.

Wow, great example.

Thanks for the information.
Around here, lets just say Indianapolis there seem to be more male reps and in one office I used to go to (a large doctor office) they lined up as only one was allowed back at a time and they wouldn't even talk to or acknowledge each other.