Is there a single sales rep at MNK that is happy?

There's as many happy reps here as there are valuable reps here. The reps that are left are the ones that couldn't find another job over the last 1 1/2 years. Oh wait, they've been waiting for the "right" opportunity. Hahaha I forgot

...coming from the loser that was laid off and let go who also started this thread. Go away troll.

YOU got the call you were laid off...and then you were let go.
...and after a year still can't get over it and is still unemployed.

Haha no I found work less than a month later. Unlike you who is miserable knowing that this is what your career has come to. Working on a sinking ship with nowhere to go. How's that opportunity you were talking about for the last year coming along? Haha. I come back here for laughs. And boy is it funny. I only wish I had access to the conference calls so I can here all the lies they keep feeding you.

didn't you get the employee engagement survey results??? Sorry you are no longer here. You would then understand that everyone who anonymously responded favorable is gainfully employed and very happy here. They did take into consideration the toilet paper change suggested and once all bids an QC sign off on it it will be a non issue. For those anonymous malcontents they were transferred to a new division which in our transformation to being a global specialty pharma company was decided by the EOC to be eliminated.

Please keep those anonymous results coming in!!!!

Haha no I found work less than a month later. Unlike you who is miserable knowing that this is what your career has come to. Working on a sinking ship with nowhere to go. How's that opportunity you were talking about for the last year coming along? Haha. I come back here for laughs. And boy is it funny. I only wish I had access to the conference calls so I can here all the lies they keep feeding you.

Lol you're an idiot. Not only did you actually admit you were laid off and "found work less than a month later (after being dumped) ," but you are actually spending your time reading and posting on a company website that dumped your ass. P A T H E T I C & S A D

Lol you're an idiot. Not only did you actually admit you were laid off and "found work less than a month later (after being dumped) ," but you are actually spending your time reading and posting on a company website that dumped your ass. P A T H E T I C & S A D

Not quite as sad as still being employed here telling everyone about how I am waiting for the right opportunity for over a year. The reality is this is your only opportunity. You've never done anything but survive, and after 15+ years that just doesn't cut it. Have fun selling Tylenol and some other shitty products. Be thankful you at least have this because this is truly the only thing you have as far as employment opportunity.

Not quite as sad as still being employed here telling everyone about how I am waiting for the right opportunity for over a year. The reality is this is your only opportunity. You've never done anything but survive, and after 15+ years that just doesn't cut it. Have fun selling Tylenol and some other shitty products. Be thankful you at least have this because this is truly the only thing you have as far as employment opportunity.
dear hr, to be brief is a virtue.

i can tell you i am very happy here. i can tell you i do not need to be here but choose to be here until i or they change that. i have have been offered options the past year with actual salary, etc but have stayed because why take another crap job when you can deal with the one you have. if i were layed off i would take the first job that was offered. it's not a sin to take a job you are not in love with. i hope you can one day get over your pain of being let go from a company you hated. clearly you do not see it but life is too short to be angry and for what? layoffs happens to many people but the key is to move on. Coming on MNK cp shows you have not gotten over the pain and anger. have some respect for yourself and move on. If your new job from a year ago was grand you would not be back here commenting on posts. i get it. mnk ruined everything and so you had to take a new stupid job. i wish you well and i understand. my advice is start interviewing again. get a new new job on your own terms not because you had to. peace