Is the pay still a salary plus a bonus based on sales retention and growth?


I used to work for LabCorp and was just curious if management had changed the bonus structure any from when it was based on basically the retention of existing business plus sales growth. I didn't know if anyone had worked for both LabCorp and Quest to see if the bonus structure was similar between the two. Is it?

I understand from some of the posts that management is not going to factor in COVID-19 testing which is BS. Pharma companies do the same in that they would classify this a something abnormal and thus does not get included especially if you were in the vaccine division.

just announced 3% across the board raises, commission is based on some ancient Greek mathematical calculation known to a select few. . some months I make commission, some not. still a good gig

just announced 3% across the board raises, commission is based on some ancient Greek mathematical calculation known to a select few. . some months I make commission, some not. still a good gig

If you are in Sales and some months you don’t make commission then you have a very low bar for defining “a good gig”.

There’s a reason you feel that way you must be a really bad rep.

Nope. I’m a great rep. Making more money now than ever before without having to see the dark side of the industry. LabCorp has a place for their tests and ethics.

Got the best training without being regarded as good training. I learned about the industry. Ask a Lab Director what they really think about LabCorp, it might surprise you.

No, it because of an atmosphere of intimidation, lack of transparency, and poor leadership.

100% true in California. It’s about pipelines and visit logs. Oh and billing…it’s all management cares about and that’s why we’re failing. If they would focus on sales instead of admin work we would actually have time to sell. Poor leadership.

But you’re being micromanaged for a reason. Talk to my manager maybe once a week, no micro on my side because I am a good rep .

Who’s a good rep talking trash on the same weaknesses LabCorp has with another? Who’s the good rep? I feel like I’m talking to a dog. Want a treat?

LabCorp is a woke, overly process driven company with 19 different ways to do the same thing and has had issues in the past like billing, or tests that are often false positives. It’s not special, it’s just big. There’s plenty of labs that do a better job. Quest is one.