Is management at B+L mean? They seem to make a lot of money so what do they have to complain about?
They may be mean, but not so dumb since JW in Global got the boot.
Yes they Are bullies!
Mean, yes and depending on your manager, MC situations, company layoffs, etc. Eventually, though, it just becomes depressing once you see how it all works. You can't possibly do everything that's demanded of you in most companies, so you start to let things slide. You miss deadlines, enter calls that aren't really calls, cheat on tests to get them done (usually on your own time at home), etc. You're expected to make a ridiculous 9 calls a day in a territory where no one sees reps on Mondays. You're fed platitudes like, "There's no such thing as a no-see doctor." You see the huge waste of time and money as we play games at POA and have useless cartons of promo materials shipped overnight. The guys at the top are making millions trading options while the industry is imploding, and middle management is scared shitless, so they spend all their time rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. All those new, useless metrics that treat us like kindergarteners yet company still not making the numbers. This while layoffs continue and patients still can't afford their meds. The doctors hate us, the politicians hate us, and the media hate us. It just slowly sucks the life right out of you. Look at how cynical (or just plain mean and nasty) everyone is on this site. And after your lovely day is over you go home to your adoring family who love you but you're too mentally burnt out to notice them by the bull shit thrown to you all day in constant over exaggerated 911 texts,voicemails, emails etc. Hence the lawsuits thrown at pharma companies for no overtime pay. The smart ones with character and families eventually get out, the psycho ones with no character or families work 24-7 and stay until they have bullied everyone they touch and then eventually they get a disease or laid off and are screwed anyway. Repeat.