Is the Board of Directors brain dead?


First it turns its back on the CEO's personal "indiscretions". Now, the Department of Justice comes after the company for its kickback schemes. Chances are, if the BOD initially stashed over thee quarters of a billion dollars to cover damages, it knows that the long term cost will be much more.

And still no action. What does an executive have to do before the BOD will act?

Its hard to tell if the BOD is incompetent, corrupt, or afraid of KS.

First it turns its back on the CEO's personal "indiscretions". Now, the Department of Justice comes after the company for its kickback schemes. Chances are, if the BOD initially stashed over thee quarters of a billion dollars to cover damages, it knows that the long term cost will be much more.

And still no action. What does an executive have to do before the BOD will act?

Its hard to tell if the BOD is incompetent, corrupt, or afraid of KS.

As said before, they are a bunch of brown nose rubber stampers. You don't bite the hand that feeds you.

It's no use trying to fight the fact that Kevin controls Amgen. It is a waste of time trying to get the board of director or the stockholders to fix the "kevin situation". You can moan about the huge raise while staff are being fired into the worst job market in decades. None of these things mean squat to Kevin. You want to kick him where it hurts? were given one chance to run a large multi-national (we will give you a mulligan for MCI). You basically spent the ten best years of your life running Amgen. What were you able to accomplish? Think about that as you slink into retirement with your millions siphoned of a once great company. Did you really lead or just control? Were the thousands of people who worked for you better off that you were at the helm or did you only benefit? Will anyone actually miss you when you leave?

It's no use trying to fight the fact that Kevin controls Amgen. It is a waste of time trying to get the board of director or the stockholders to fix the "kevin situation". You can moan about the huge raise while staff are being fired into the worst job market in decades. None of these things mean squat to Kevin. You want to kick him where it hurts? were given one chance to run a large multi-national (we will give you a mulligan for MCI). You basically spent the ten best years of your life running Amgen. What were you able to accomplish? Think about that as you slink into retirement with your millions siphoned of a once great company. Did you really lead or just control? Were the thousands of people who worked for you better off that you were at the helm or did you only benefit? Will anyone actually miss you when you leave?

When your board includes an admiral, you know you're on a sinking ship

It's no use trying to fight the fact that Kevin controls Amgen. It is a waste of time trying to get the board of director or the stockholders to fix the "kevin situation". You can moan about the huge raise while staff are being fired into the worst job market in decades. None of these things mean squat to Kevin. You want to kick him where it hurts? were given one chance to run a large multi-national (we will give you a mulligan for MCI). You basically spent the ten best years of your life running Amgen. What were you able to accomplish? Think about that as you slink into retirement with your millions siphoned of a once great company. Did you really lead or just control? Were the thousands of people who worked for you better off that you were at the helm or did you only benefit? Will anyone actually miss you when you leave?

Only if they have poor aim.

First it turns its back on the CEO's personal "indiscretions". Now, the Department of Justice comes after the company for its kickback schemes. Chances are, if the BOD initially stashed over thee quarters of a billion dollars to cover damages, it knows that the long term cost will be much more.

And still no action. What does an executive have to do before the BOD will act?

Its hard to tell if the BOD is incompetent, corrupt, or afraid of KS.

They will do what it takes to move the stock over $75
The 2012 goal is to increase shareholder value