Is Teflaro a dog?


You've got one cowboy willing to try it off-label and that's about it. The drug won't be in black until new studies come out (bactermia or MRSA in cabp). The expectations short term are ridiculous.

That is what happens when you send in clowns with zero hospital experience and full of sales training nonsense that does not reflect current practice.

One of your reps tried to sell Teflaro to us in Pharmacy as a "vanco-sparing" drug. Oh puhleeze....where do you come up with this stuff? Whatever he was smoking, he should share some. Not even all of the stock in our narc vault would cause hallucinations that bad.

the training was the best ever. i have been in the industry for 20 years. this products is by far the best ever created by man kind. we will get signatures and smple this baby and make lots of money. i was the smartest in training

You've got one cowboy willing to try it off-label and that's about it. The drug won't be in black until new studies come out (bactermia or MRSA in cabp). The expectations short term are ridiculous.

That would be great except for one thing, there is very little MRSA in CABP, MRSA is associated with HCAP or HAP. Does Forest not think it impt. to give their reps the data. They are not interchangeable, and if you think you can go around selling Teflaro for MRSA CABP you will get laughed out of the offices. Besides Teflaro is on the CMS guidelines for non-ICU CABP which is the mildest form of community acquired pneumonia.