Is Pharma still being done at 1400 N Goodman St?

What is left is some FDA submissions that may need some technical/meeting support. After they run their course not much left for the Rochester folks to work on.

B+L Pharma will likely be rolled into Allergan Pharma which is all California based. Both coasts will have Pharma NJ, California but Rochester will be left out. All the formulators are gone. Just a few products in the submission pipeline left to finish up before the next acquisition by Valeant

What is left is some FDA submissions that may need some technical/meeting support. After they run their course not much left for the Rochester folks to work on.

B+L Pharma will likely be rolled into Allergan Pharma which is all California based. Both coasts will have Pharma NJ, California but Rochester will be left out. All the formulators are gone. Just a few products in the submission pipeline left to finish up before the next acquisition by Valeant

It is amazing that there is anyone still following the Bausch site. Most everyone that would care has been let go months ago. Just the cleanup crew left and they should be looking for new jobs if they care about their futures.

My guess is that there are about ten people left in Pharma in Rochester. The pipeline for the FDA submissions is likely small so their jobs are dependent on new acquisitions of almost developed Pharma products. Since the acquisitions of the drugs many times comes with acquisitions of people who also perform the same job (take almost developed drugs and obtain FDA approval of a drug submission file), there maybe some additional consolidation of jobs to a just Pharma facility in the future.

Rochester is not the center of Pharma for Valeant. Maybe a Pharma presence can be established for the future but with so many other Pharma facilities NJ, California the chance of Pharma remaining in Rochester in the future is low.