Is Paul H. gone?

Well that took years too long to happen.

What made this finally happen?

Is that evil witch CBM still there? She is so two-faced.

She had Paul completely snowed. I'm sure having worked for her and knowing how she operates she was nice to his face all the while plotting behind his back (not that he didn't deserve to be let go - he was about as incompetent as the come).

I remember Paul wasn't even France's first choice. They kept offering the job to people and no one would take it with what they were offering to pay and with the strings attached to the job. Paul was like 4th or 5th on the list until they could find someone incompetent enough to work there.

I'm sure the replacement will be another complete incompetent stooge just as all the others were, and the leadership team still is. I mean, CW? Really? Talk about a clueless blowhard. And CBM?

I've never seen such a collection of industry rejects all working in one place at one time as is at Virbac.

Paul is looking for his “next challenge” in animal health. Which, for him will be finding someone who doesn’t know him so he can get hired

His "next challenge" will include taking a poorly run company and somehow finding a way to make it even worse. He is very good at this and has proven esperince doing it.

So how's the latest flunky doing?

Sad part is, CBM is still there actively working to undermine and sabotage each and every one of you.

Funny thing is, her indiscretions continually get swept under the rug while your are all highlighted and used against you. She will never allow the atmosphere to change for the better.

So how's the latest flunky doing?

Sad part is, CBM is still there actively working to undermine and sabotage each and every one of you.

Funny thing is, her indiscretions continually get swept under the rug while your are all highlighted and used against you. She will never allow the atmosphere to change for the better.

What Indiscretions?? My wife worked for her and was miserable.

She had Paul completely snowed. I'm sure having worked for her and knowing how she operates she was nice to his face all the while plotting behind his back (not that he didn't deserve to be let go - he was about as incompetent as the come).

I remember Paul wasn't even France's first choice. They kept offering the job to people and no one would take it with what they were offering to pay and with the strings attached to the job. Paul was like 4th or 5th on the list until they could find someone incompetent enough to work there.

I know someone that worked for her as well for a few years and it wasnt pleasant. How recently did you work for her?