Is our KF gullible or just not very smart?


How else do you explain so many bad decisions? It all starts by being completely out of touch with what's going on at the customer level. Hire legions of yes men then repeatedly take their advice when they really only want to find ways to make their useless jobs appear important. Have 4 reps all entering bogus calls on the same hard to see Dr? Spending R and D money developing me-too drugs no one wants like Liptruzet? Speaking of R and D how about paying Pete millions over years and years to run that into the ground?

He's a lawyer who has no clue how the science works or the marketing of the science works. He's more concerned with protecting his golden parachute and making sure he keeps getting the yearly increases of 10% or better.

I have just two words for you as an answer: (And this apples to the Community Organizer in the WH too)

Afirmative Action!

If by that comment you mean that Messrs. Frazier and Obama did NOT benefit from the affirmative action of being admitted to white Protestants only private country clubs... To advance their respective careers...

Then I concur. Otherwise -- your comment is nonsensical.

He's smart enough to know how to make himself rich while destroying the careers of thousands of his Merck colleagues. So maybe he's not dumb, but he is a horrible, horrible person.