IS Meeting: Case Study in Poor Communications


A Case study in how to confuse everyone with the volume of communications about the meeting. Several hundred emails since January 2, all on a 3 day meeting. To-do lists, power point presentations, excel files, .pdf files, videos, test, P2L links, knowledge checks, etc. Many sent multiple time from multiple sources. Several sent more than once from the same source. The agenda not sent until last working day before the meeting.

The most critical element, the new materials to be practiced with, will not be sent for preparation, but will be sent to the meeting, just in time for each workshop.

Please, review the communications fiasco for this meeting and tighten things up. It's really not that hard. We have a meeting. We have a couple tweaks on things we have been doing for 5 years. It's not that hard. Keep it simple. The only thing hard is that you are killing your people with too much and too confused communications.

For the love of all that is good, go spend some time with your families this weekend and stop sending information. We got it.


Everyone justifying their jobs. First post correct. Keep it simple. Tweak what needs to be tweaked and let your reps focus on selling. But remember, the job is no longer about selling but activities and corporate showing their compliance efforts. Glad I am out.

On another issue, read a piece in LinkedIn about the new soft sell approach providing value to MDs. What a joke if they think this is new. This is how we sold years ago when we had the respect of MDs. Provided good scientific data, asked for the business, but listened to their needs. It worked and now some consultants are trying to say this is new.