Is Mary M really gone?

None of your beeswax!! Do your own job and quit meddling!

This has nothing to do with meddling. MM has been such a representation of Sage doing things differently, having a cool culture, being open and willing to connect with the field, etc. When employees like her, that were incredibly passionate about the company and Z decide to walk away, it shows that home office is just as messed up as the field is with how unknown our future is. Definite red flag warning.

This has nothing to do with meddling. MM has been such a representation of Sage doing things differently, having a cool culture, being open and willing to connect with the field, etc. When employees like her, that were incredibly passionate about the company and Z decide to walk away, it shows that home office is just as messed up as the field is with how unknown our future is. Definite red flag warning.

*thumbs up*

This has nothing to do with meddling. MM has been such a representation of Sage doing things differently, having a cool culture, being open and willing to connect with the field, etc. When employees like her, that were incredibly passionate about the company and Z decide to walk away, it shows that home office is just as messed up as the field is with how unknown our future is. Definite red flag warning.

I couldn’t agree more. It may be true that she just got an offer she couldn’t refuse (as we’re told) however, when are they going to stop making that the reason everyone left??? Like, every single person who has left in the past month, we’ve been told got such an amazing offer they couldn’t turn it down. Yeah, right! And if so- perhaps they need to divert some of their funds from the people at the top who are way overpaid (and there’s too many!) down to the lower level employees so they stop leaving?!? Just a thought. Oh wait...... we’re almost outta money as a company so it’s too late!

Many people that left were looking. I can’t speak for all bc I don’t know all, but I can tell you that many of them left because they were over it and wanted a different way of working