Is it true that someone in Mphs sued the company and won and is an active employee?


Re: Is it true that someone in Mphs sued the company and won and is an active employe

Absolutely true. Well over $100,000 for "mistreatment"-which amounted to claiming to be overlooked for development and promotion. One of very few that could ever be guaranteed as a Novartis employee for life!

Re: Is it true that someone in Mphs sued the company and won and is an active employe

Absolutely true. Well over $100,000 for "mistreatment"-which amounted to claiming to be overlooked for development and promotion. One of very few that could ever be guaranteed as a Novartis employee for life!

As absolutely true as all statements on cafe pharma!

Re: Is it true that someone in Mphs sued the company and won and is an active employe

Absolutely true. Well over $100,000 for "mistreatment"-which amounted to claiming to be overlooked for development and promotion. One of very few that could ever be guaranteed as a Novartis employee for life!

As absolutely true as ALL statements on cafe pharma!

Re: Is it true that someone in Mphs sued the company and won and is an active employe

She was a terrible rep....rarely worked. She was looking for a reason to save her a$$

Re: Is it true that someone in Mphs sued the company and won and is an active employe

I knew her or it's very possible there are more then one. She was as pathetic as they come. Embarrassed to work for the same company. Makes me sick that she was afforded a "settlement" for harsh treatment. Carma... I've heard she's fat and crazy now......

Re: Is it true that someone in Mphs sued the company and won and is an active employe

I knew her or it's very possible there are more then one. She was as pathetic as they come. Embarrassed to work for the same company. Makes me sick that she was afforded a "settlement" for harsh treatment. Carma... I've heard she's fat and crazy now......

Ha! Proved it real and won, plus still employed. Sounds smart to me and you don't have to work for this company. Check your UPS notifications you may not have to work here much longer...

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