Is it time for Scott to Go?

Wow is he still there? It was time for him to be FIRED years ago. Terrible leader and a non motivator. Good luck guys I would not wish him on my worst enemy.

I seriously believe he is manic depressive or bipolar. As a leader u are supposed to be level headed and this guy is far from that. He is the typical do as I say not as I do leader. He also focuses on negative all the time.

That is because he received his management training at Purdue. You maybe receive enough training to be a DM.

I am currently under his leadership and I have never seen a more insecure person in my life. He also talks about things to us that are on cafe pharma...really? I mean is this guy 12 or what?

Yep, a high flying company like Xanodog with fast frowing, innovative, protected products should be able to attract the finest talent the industry has to offer. Be careful what you wish for. You could land another Valentino- a blood sucking, useless, lazy quarter ton of lard.

Yep, a high flying company like Xanodog with fast frowing, innovative, protected products should be able to attract the finest talent the industry has to offer. Be careful what you wish for. You could land another Valentino- a blood sucking, useless, lazy quarter ton of lard.

Would you move to Cincy to work on this dog? Natasha and Valentino never did. SB still has his job because he lives in this crap hole called Ohio and they csan't sell anyone else to move there. It's okay he is set up with his hair salon empire....

You got that right a total nut job!

Why is this little piss ant still here? Really, like we need another run on voicemail rah rah to get us excited. We all know you are running your hair salons and have no interest in really making this company work. Do us all a favor you little poor excuse for a leader and quit so we can get real leadership.

Why is this little piss ant still here? Really, like we need another run on voicemail rah rah to get us excited. We all know you are running your hair salons and have no interest in really making this company work. Do us all a favor you little poor excuse for a leader and quit so we can get real leadership.

Dude...I am not a piss ant I am a highly successful pharma executive with a wife that has a big ass and I am a hair salon tycoon. I love the hottie reps especially the ones with the big cans and I spank my one inch wanker to the hottest philly at Xano. I am very insecure and need to make others feel like nothing to make myself feel more important. I lose my temper over little stuff that isn't significant because I am not significant. I have a napoleon complex and I like to spank it at the home office. That's me and f u if you don't like me...I make more money than you...haircut anyone?
