Is it that bad at Talecris?


I was considering interviewing, but you guys seem to be a very messed up company. Reps seem to complain a lot, and it doesn't look like any are working. Why do people say Prolastin is so hard to sell? Any intelligent insight would be helpful.

Because it is a made up disease state, and there are no patients! Ask any Pulmonologist. It's really an easy job though, because no one can sell this crap. I hope we don't have another management call freaking out about no Prolastin sales. Just leave me alone so I can collect my salary. Thanks MGT.

You kind of have a point, but you need to leave this company because you are so bitter. I did though recently have a big doc quit testing. I kept pushing him to continue to test because I told him he would find a patient. After buring through a ton of tests he gave up. How do I get these guys to keep testing? I feel like I have lost all credibility with this doc!

Easy, just tell them that their patients are White, and from Europe! What do ya do when they are from Africa? Tell the tops to look into this crap. I need compensated for this!

I was considering interviewing, but you guys seem to be a very messed up company. Reps seem to complain a lot, and it doesn't look like any are working. Why do people say Prolastin is so hard to sell? Any intelligent insight would be helpful.

YES, Talecris is the wost company out there. The only reps that think this is a great company are the few new ones they hired. They think that because management has brain washed them and gave them all big salaries more than the reps who have been selling for years. Upper mgnt tells the new people to stay away from the current reps because they are toxic and they will loose their jobs. So, they come on this board and try to write so called positive things about the company. Go back and read the comments and you will see what I mean. Do not trust mgnt or uppermgt, they LIE big time. This company will fail becuase they treat their reps like crap. They are really nice to the new people. Once the new peolpe realize that there are no patients out there to get, mgnt will turn on them like they already do to the current reps. I can't wait for them to fall flat on their butts, they will because you reap what you sow!!!

I would say there are too many whiners on this board, not surprising for Cafepharma postings.
Working for Talecris is great. You just have to learn to like what you have, and appreciate what you have during difficult times.

How would you describe the company culture?

Incomprehensibly noncompliant. How's that? Oh, I am quite sure that some jackass, brown-nosing, shit licker will respond with something along the line of "its a nice company". Well, believe what you want, but take a good, long look at the bullshit that is posted in every available corner of this website and you will get the big picture. TPR is FULL of completely uneducated morons who think they know how to manage. End result? Product that you do not know to be safe. What do you do about it? Well, you allow regionals like Jolette Franco and her center managers to convince you of their misinterpretations of the SOP; continue to accept homeless indian donors because they are family; and hope you or someone you love never needs this shit.

Incomprehensibly noncompliant. How's that? Oh, I am quite sure that some jackass, brown-nosing, shit licker will respond with something along the line of "its a nice company". Well, believe what you want, but take a good, long look at the bullshit that is posted in every available corner of this website and you will get the big picture. TPR is FULL of completely uneducated morons who think they know how to manage. End result? Product that you do not know to be safe. What do you do about it? Well, you allow regionals like Jolette Franco and her center managers to convince you of their misinterpretations of the SOP; continue to accept homeless indian donors because they are family; and hope you or someone you love never needs this shit.

wow, native americans that are homeless? don't we provide everything for them after taking it all away once?

I have worked for four different companies in plasma over the years and Talecris and BioLife were far and away the two best. Baxter was better run overall but I have more autonomy and control at Talecris
Biomat was by far the worst. Top to bottom a horrible organization.

In the end, as most jobs, it is what you make of it. Ever center is in control of its own successes or failures (as well as sales) and if you are dissatisfied it really is a reflection of your own shortcomings as an employee.