is it just me or is it all of commercial?


the fact that we have a competitive pricing our sickle cell and still aren’t ahead. the fact that even in our CF support and market access groups no one cares about issues we have with our current pipeline? market access heads are way, way in over their heads spread across our different reimbursement for our different TAs and we’re not even in all categories that Reshma wants us to be in just yet.

CF which is still our bread and butter for profit is going to have difficulties in reimbursement and access with the upcoming Vanza launch, i can’t be the only one concerned about how IRA changes next year will impact our us based revenue cycle, right? this will be the worst access that we’ve ever seen. USMA, Trade, and GPS heads quite literally do not know what the fuck they’re talking about for next year. it’s comical but i am already seeing a dip in sales, market access, and patient support. it’s gonna be a bloodbath come january.