Is He Gone Yet?


Haven't heard much from he gone...finally? Can we get someone in there who is at least willing to listen to the sales force and able to capture data and be proactive about making sure we get credit?

Vote Here:

1. Oust the Evil Dictator (and his court Jester SG).
2. Keep Him bc he is fair and honest & we get IC credit for every script and refill.
3. Who the Hell Cares bc I'm outta here!

Why must we keep losing great people and reps? What does JS think?

Haven't heard much from he gone...finally? Can we get someone in there who is at least willing to listen to the sales force and able to capture data and be proactive about making sure we get credit?

Vote Here:

1. Oust the Evil Dictator (and his court Jester SG).
2. Keep Him bc he is fair and honest & we get IC credit for every script and refill.
3. Who the Hell Cares bc I'm outta here!

Why must we keep losing great people and reps? What does JS think?

My vote is also for #3 - I was bummed about getting laid off, but now I won't be forced to swallow the bullshit coming from JV . The "formula" that calculates the PTP figures needs to have a BIG asterisk, because you won't get paid the projected amount if you territory doesn't reach a certain profit. Hey JV, screw the current process and be fair to all reps - not just the ones that you and SG have a fondness for!

Yes he is still RD in the west and well liked by upper mgmt. Don't know him really. Why is he a nightmare?

Many folks could answer that for you. Smart people are definitely aware by now.
Let's just start with the big stuff -

1. Master manipulator. regularly lies to people's faces with zero conscience - great at it
2. Throws others under the bus to save himself consistently pushes his DL's to put people on plans and then terminates them Makes the managers look like assholes and he does his fake supportive act that is completely insincere.
3. Pours sugar all over his favorites that suck up to him. Belittles the others to get them to try harder
4. Was not always in the good graces of that boastful hypocrite of a VP he works for. sucked up and whined about all the stress he was under until the West finally started beating the East ... The minute the other regions start outperforming his team, the nightmare returns

Could go on and on but this should be sufficient to reinforce the comment that you inquired about. Wolf in sheeps clothing. I clearly know not to let my guard down around him. Big mistake!

JV is a separate mess for different reasons. SG is just an old hack who relives his glory days constantly. Has no clue about what needs to be done now to achieve success. Caught up in 80's and 90's time warp. Sad.

McCutcheon is an over confident, self loving ass. Let's be "comfortable with being un-comfortable". More like being comfortable with being a used car salesman. Thank you Doctor for your 2 Gralise prescriptions today, but how many patients did you see today? How many more patients could have benefited from Gralise? Who sells like this!!??? You have to be effing kidding me. You'll get kicked out of most offices for being that kind of sales nob. It's never about the patient with him, it's always about his greed, and his next bonus check.

McCutcheon is an over confident, self loving ass. Let's be "comfortable with being un-comfortable". More like being comfortable with being a used car salesman. Thank you Doctor for your 2 Gralise prescriptions today, but how many patients did you see today? How many more patients could have benefited from Gralise? Who sells like this!!??? You have to be effing kidding me. You'll get kicked out of most offices for being that kind of sales nob. It's never about the patient with him, it's always about his greed, and his next bonus check.

I'm not a rep but I feel for you guys. You're basically stuck with pull-through but even pull-through is tough with the way payers are imposing treatment guidelines. Docs just don't have much choice anymore, but you're stuck trying to persuade people to change their behavior who often aren't even capable of it.