Is blood-based CRC screening a real threat?


1. Are you concerned? Is Exact concerned?
2. What's the company line if you're asked by customers and is it bs?
3. Who do you think is going to be the biggest threat if/when they come on line?

1. Are you concerned? Is Exact concerned?
2. What's the company line if you're asked by customers and is it bs?
3. Who do you think is going to be the biggest threat if/when they come on line?
Yes and no...right now, Grail's test is incredibly niche, but they have a contract with MDVIP and have poached a number of Exact employees. Guardant is in a similar boat. Reps go there because the pay is $20-30,000 more than Exact, but both are trying to establish customer base, whereas CG already has one. That said, CG is on the end of it's life cycle, so the PO test will make or break the company, at least in the opinion of the physicians I've spoken with.

1. Are you concerned? Is Exact concerned?
2. What's the company line if you're asked by customers and is it bs?
3. Who do you think is going to be the biggest threat if/when they come on line?
A blood based test that is completed along with annual labs is a real threat. Would eliminate the hassle of chasing down kits and other workflow issues.

reps bringing in 120-140k bases

Yes that is low wage in America, total compensation package approximately $200,000 means we are welfare level earners. Congratulations on being a fucking idiot yourself! Are you messaging from your Learjet, yacht or 5th vacation home? I bet you are 5 foot 4 with a tiny dick.

Yes that is low wage in America, total compensation package approximately $200,000 means we are welfare level earners. Congratulations on being a fucking idiot yourself! Are you messaging from your Learjet, yacht or 5th vacation home? I bet you are 5 foot 4 with a tiny dick.
Who exactly are you arguing with? Also, my girlfriend says my dick is average size thank you very much!

1. Are you concerned? Is Exact concerned?
2. What's the company line if you're asked by customers and is it bs?
3. Who do you think is going to be the biggest threat if/when they come on line?

Not concerned,(Doctor feedback) it’s early stage, there is no particular use case for it. It’s not covered and worries about false negatives.

theranos 2.0

I'd say this company will fold in about a year. Once this blood test is approved its all over. Nobody is even interested in buying our old technology. Its over folks. Update your resume!

I'd say this company will fold in about a year. Once this blood test is approved its all over. Nobody is even interested in buying our old technology. Its over folks. Update your resume!
Why do you think so many people around the country have left in the last few months? The future is not at Exact.

Wishful thinking for the primary care space (aka majority of the salesforce) top base is $115k which is just sad
Did you know that exact is trying to offer experienced reps 80 to 90 now on job interviews? This company is really running out of money. They can't even pay competitive wages to attract experienced help.

Well I guess they will have to keep hiring you white male graduates from the U of W who's only resume experience is Qdoba. These young white men have only lived with mommy and daddy. Most have never even owned a car. They send these kids all around the country where they have no support system.

Did you know that exact is trying to offer experienced reps 80 to 90 now on job interviews? This company is really running out of money. They can't even pay competitive wages to attract experienced help.

Well I guess they will have to keep hiring you white male graduates from the U of W who's only resume experience is Qdoba. These young white men have only lived with mommy and daddy. Most have never even owned a car. They send these kids all around the country where they have no support system.
The reality is this production no longer needs a rep. At least not in the way it’s currently structured. The product is established, has run its course, and probably only needs 1 rep per state max like most industries. The stock price needs to come up and that looks like it may never happen under this leadership and structure. If oncology can’t make their next product work (again) this company is absolutely toast. KC bought too much too fast and that is what will ultimately tank everything if oncology does not pop soon.

Did you know that exact is trying to offer experienced reps 80 to 90 now on job interviews? This company is really running out of money. They can't even pay competitive wages to attract experienced help.

Well I guess they will have to keep hiring you white male graduates from the U of W who's only resume experience is Qdoba. These young white men have only lived with mommy and daddy. Most have never even owned a car. They send these kids all around the country where they have no support system.

Yea because a company with a $6.1 billion market cap using Katie Couric as a spokesperson needs to pay you more.

The race shit needs to stop.