Is Blacka being forced out?

I heard moving to Lily, not sure, this was thru sales rep in my territory that talks to DM that is close to him. May be bringing a few key players with him. I would be shocked to hear this, he seems company man all the way

I heard the same thing. In these Rm positions or VP positions, you need a leader, not a cheerleader, I wonder if management is seeing that it is time for a change. I hope not, he does not bother me, don't really feel any pressure that he may be in my car...

I heard the same thing. In these Rm positions or VP positions, you need a leader, not a cheerleader, I wonder if management is seeing that it is time for a change. I hope not, he does not bother me, don't really feel any pressure that he may be in my car...
Now I heard HR involved, what could he have done???

In my opinion Jim is a big company man and political and he won't help you unless it benefits him.
Sounds oxymoron-like to me. If he is big company man, would seem to want to do things to benefit the company first, not himself. I don't disagree that he is ALL about himself. I see more and more phoniness with him at each meeting or on each holiday message, do they see thru it in Basil? Aren't most vets lousy business people? Could he possibly be the exception???

Sounds oxymoron-like to me. If he is big company man, would seem to want to do things to benefit the company first, not himself. I don't disagree that he is ALL about himself. I see more and more phoniness with him at each meeting or on each holiday message, do they see thru it in Basil? Aren't most vets lousy business people? Could he possibly be the exception???

Is DUI grounds for immediate dismissal for management as well as field sales? Do a little research people and you will find answers to questions...