Is Basel aware


When will Basel help? Are they even aware of the poor leadership ship here? Are they aware that we as employees are treated like garbage with no respect and are demoralized daily. Are they aware that 90% of the salesforce never can hit there goals based on unattainable targets? Please help Basel and bring in some leadership who cares about employees, knows how to treat people, and has hands on sales experience. If you did that you will get a lot more productivity. Take a look at some of the new model company's because where not even close.

When will Basel help? Are they even aware of the poor leadership ship here? Are they aware that we as employees are treated like garbage with no respect and are demoralized daily. Are they aware that 90% of the salesforce never can hit there goals based on unattainable targets? Please help Basel and bring in some leadership who cares about employees, knows how to treat people, and has hands on sales experience. If you did that you will get a lot more productivity. Take a look at some of the new model company's because where not even close.

are you kidding me? they don't care about employees
they only care about shareholders
welcome to the real world of big business

It goes beyond drinking the Kool-aid.........

............they are drinking the Heinz Ketchup !!!!

..................................sucking "that" thick BOTTLE dry !!!!!!!

Have you been to Basel? Guess no. If you ever get there and see the riches this Co accumulated over decades of exploiting and mistreating employees around the world, you'd understand. Yes there were better days when we woked for Sandoz or Ciba in the old days, but we were still exploited and mistreated.
Now that you have Nofucktis you get fucked big time. It's that simple. No help is coming from Basel.
ps; my advice is that you work smart not hard, milk them for as long as you can giving them as few hours per day as possible (I got away with 2-4) while you are looking for alternative outside pharma biz. There is life there as many of us are enjoying right now.