Is anyone working in the field?


I took off all summer not worth it. I get paid to sit on my ass all day. Can't wait for call reporting. That will give me something to do while drinking my vodka and lemonades. Love this company....

I took off all summer not worth it. I get paid to sit on my ass all day. Can't wait for call reporting. That will give me something to do while drinking my vodka and lemonades. Love this company....

The Board of Directors of D'Enron would be happy. Tell them about this. They will give you a raise.

I took off all summer not worth it. I get paid to sit on my ass all day. Can't wait for call reporting. That will give me something to do while drinking my vodka and lemonades. Love this company....

When you are only supposed to have 140 sales/month in the whole company and got all those people "in the field", it is really easy to game them. PV does sell itself, not very well, but it does sell itself. And, as we know in sales, it doesn't sell very well beyond that. Why work to barely boost the numbers and stretch out the inevitable for a couple of months, when you can hang out with the kids, fish during the years best weather, watch the wild card races, ....

We should get some online poker games going to swap stories.

When you are only supposed to have 140 sales/month in the whole company and got all those people "in the field", it is really easy to game them. PV does sell itself, not very well, but it does sell itself. And, as we know in sales, it doesn't sell very well beyond that. Why work to barely boost the numbers and stretch out the inevitable for a couple of months, when you can hang out with the kids, fish during the years best weather, watch the wild card races, ....

We should get some online poker games going to swap stories.

How about the Oakland A's?????

Hope they beat out the Yankees for the last wildcard. That would be almost as interesting as the D'Enron fraud.

Ex-CEO probably flies into the board meetings of that private company on a private jet in his expensive Italian suits and catches an A's game enjoying last few months of freedom.

When you are only supposed to have 140 sales/month in the whole company and got all those people "in the field", it is really easy to game them. PV does sell itself, not very well, but it does sell itself. And, as we know in sales, it doesn't sell very well beyond that. Why work to barely boost the numbers and stretch out the inevitable for a couple of months, when you can hang out with the kids, fish during the years best weather, watch the wild card races, ....

We should get some online poker games going to swap stories.

Would love to swap stories about D'Enron. How do you do online poker?

When you are only supposed to have 140 sales/month in the whole company and got all those people "in the field", it is really easy to game them. PV does sell itself, not very well, but it does sell itself. And, as we know in sales, it doesn't sell very well beyond that. Why work to barely boost the numbers and stretch out the inevitable for a couple of months, when you can hang out with the kids, fish during the years best weather, watch the wild card races, ....

We should get some online poker games going to swap stories.

sales are so far down that they want to be able to report the positive effects of call reporting when they report that they are down so far from last quarter.

When the docs want it, it's easy, when they don't, there is just no point.

So you predict sales will be below 80M?

August had the most working days of any month, 23, so as our JJ is fond of saying "the days fell on the calendar perfectly", July was 21 and September will be only 19.

July was not so good, August awful. Since Sept is so short, it's not going to be good. Seasonal demand will be blamed, but last winter they claimed sales were weak because snow birds wait until they are home. Can't have it both ways.

And your basis for saying that Augist sales are awful is? Please share your wisdom and reasons for being so definitive. and yet, you want to hang Gold for his estimating prowess. Hmmm!

I am the last poster and still waiting for your basis of saying August sales are so bad. Well?

Sounds like another poster who just wanted to say something anonymously. Aren't you brave?