Is anyone making any money??


This year I am not going to make any variable comp under the new plan. I know that my business segment is growing leaps and bounds as evidenced by the strong overall numbers that corporate publishes. I've been selling some very nice accounts for the company and not seeing a penny on these sales. I also know that I won't be working here much longer if I can only make my base salary.

Very disheartening to know that I will not be compensated for my sales, but on the bright side maybe this is the push I need to leave the company (along with MANY others in my segment who have jumped ship over the last year).

I was fooled when I took this job. It was made to sound like a job where sales is directly tied to my commission dollars. This is false as I've learned that the commission dollars are only weakly tied to what I have sold. More important to my compensation is how Labcorp decides to do their math for the year and what type of compensation plan is devised to confuse all of us. Is there anyone out there who can confidently say that they understand the Labcorp sales compensation plans?

This is a negative loop that Labcorp needs to find their way out of. Good people are getting discouraged and are no longer enthusiastic about closing sales. Those good people stop giving it anything more than what is required to not get fired.

I jumped in with two feet right from the start. I learned that I am one of the few who took this approach as the vast majority are doing the minimum hoping to keep collecting the base and crossing their fingers when the monthly numbers come out. To me, my monthly commission report is like the lottery- out of my control and totally unpredictable.

You are in the same boat as many people. As mentioned in many other threads, LC only cares about their bottom line. We work for a pyramid scheme where only very, VERY few at the top make any kind of decent coin. Everyone else either gets lucky with a contract or is just happy to collect their base. LC is for those with lots of experience and too old to care about their commission plan (last stop before retiring) or it's your first job and you're just thankful for the experience. All of those people in between will be looking to move on.
LC will never change. They do not care about commissions or about keeping their employees happy. It's about expenses and keeping costs down. You = cost.

You would not have this problem if you got out and sold something instead of playing on Cafepharma boards during working hours.

Obviously you are not on the Sales team because nothing could be further from the truth. With this stupid plan you can sell your ass off and not get a dime or you can sit on your ass and get paid fairly well. I choose to do the bare minimum and just let my territory do what it does. The days of caring are over. Screw this company. It's very rare for me to be in the field past 2pm and I'm sure as hell not getting out of bed early. The company has turned its back on me and I just don't care about it. I have no pride in te company. It's all about me baby. I will give them four hours a day and let them think I'm working. So stick to what you know and get off off this site. Go back to your pathetic 9 to 5 job, eat out of a brown bag and watch your little clock. Being a sales rep in this industry has become a joke. I'm smart enough to beat the system and the joke is on them.

You are in the same boat as many people. As mentioned in many other threads, LC only cares about their bottom line. We work for a pyramid scheme where only very, VERY few at the top make any kind of decent coin. Everyone else either gets lucky with a contract or is just happy to collect their base. LC is for those with lots of experience and too old to care about their commission plan (last stop before retiring) or it's your first job and you're just thankful for the experience. All of those people in between will be looking to move on.
LC will never change. They do not care about commissions or about keeping their employees happy. It's about expenses and keeping costs down. You = cost.

Can't say I don't agree.. But why have a sales force? The point of sales is to pay them to generate sales and then pay them a % of the sale . Not here though!

Obviously you are not on the Sales team because nothing could be further from the truth. With this stupid plan you can sell your ass off and not get a dime or you can sit on your ass and get paid fairly well. I choose to do the bare minimum and just let my territory do what it does. The days of caring are over. Screw this company. It's very rare for me to be in the field past 2pm and I'm sure as hell not getting out of bed early. The company has turned its back on me and I just don't care about it. I have no pride in te company. It's all about me baby. I will give them four hours a day and let them think I'm working. So stick to what you know and get off off this site. Go back to your pathetic 9 to 5 job, eat out of a brown bag and watch your little clock. Being a sales rep in this industry has become a joke. I'm smart enough to beat the system and the joke is on them.

You just now figured this out? Labcorp is so behind the times on what motivates sales people and how to do it. Labcorp and the sales management team is a huge joke! These people couldn't manage a newspaper route

Obviously you are not on the Sales team because nothing could be further from the truth. With this stupid plan you can sell your ass off and not get a dime or you can sit on your ass and get paid fairly well. I choose to do the bare minimum and just let my territory do what it does. The days of caring are over. Screw this company. It's very rare for me to be in the field past 2pm and I'm sure as hell not getting out of bed early. The company has turned its back on me and I just don't care about it. I have no pride in te company. It's all about me baby. I will give them four hours a day and let them think I'm working. So stick to what you know and get off off this site. Go back to your pathetic 9 to 5 job, eat out of a brown bag and watch your little clock. Being a sales rep in this industry has become a joke. I'm smart enough to beat the system and the joke is on them.

Some nerd sitting in a cubicle who never worked in the field or sold anything in their life most likely comes up with these comp plans.. Absurdity at its finest

You would not have this problem if you got out and sold something instead of playing on Cafepharma boards during working hours.

You can work really hard and make nothing in commission or do the bare minimum and possibly make commission.. Not a good formula to motivate a sales person. (In any industry).. labcorp will experience alot of turnover in the next year or so. If they really want to get it right you pay SME's 50% of their rule of 21 6 month average on a monthly payout and dont pay out on the territory at all. And dont have the rep responsible for the territory, just new business and call ins. That is what they the SME role is and they should pay directly on new sales only. That probably makes too much sense for labcorp though.

This year I am not going to make any variable comp under the new plan. I know that my business segment is growing leaps and bounds as evidenced by the strong overall numbers that corporate publishes. I've been selling some very nice accounts for the company and not seeing a penny on these sales. I also know that I won't be working here much longer if I can only make my base salary.

Very disheartening to know that I will not be compensated for my sales, but on the bright side maybe this is the push I need to leave the company (along with MANY others in my segment who have jumped ship over the last year).

I was fooled when I took this job. It was made to sound like a job where sales is directly tied to my commission dollars. This is false as I've learned that the commission dollars are only weakly tied to what I have sold. More important to my compensation is how Labcorp decides to do their math for the year and what type of compensation plan is devised to confuse all of us. Is there anyone out there who can confidently say that they understand the Labcorp sales compensation plans?

This is a negative loop that Labcorp needs to find their way out of. Good people are getting discouraged and are no longer enthusiastic about closing sales. Those good people stop giving it anything more than what is required to not get fired.

I jumped in with two feet right from the start. I learned that I am one of the few who took this approach as the vast majority are doing the minimum hoping to keep collecting the base and crossing their fingers when the monthly numbers come out. To me, my monthly commission report is like the lottery- out of my control and totally unpredictable.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Good morning!!! Congrats on finally waking up and realizing that you DO NOT make money at a place like LabCorp. If you like waking up each day knowing where to go and what to do - then you are in the right place. Look around. Losers, losers and more losers!! If you can sell, then stop wasting your time at a dump that doesn't want to pay reps and cares about you even less. Move on, nothing to see here. Don't stay too long or your are toxic to recruiters and employers.