This year I am not going to make any variable comp under the new plan. I know that my business segment is growing leaps and bounds as evidenced by the strong overall numbers that corporate publishes. I've been selling some very nice accounts for the company and not seeing a penny on these sales. I also know that I won't be working here much longer if I can only make my base salary.
Very disheartening to know that I will not be compensated for my sales, but on the bright side maybe this is the push I need to leave the company (along with MANY others in my segment who have jumped ship over the last year).
I was fooled when I took this job. It was made to sound like a job where sales is directly tied to my commission dollars. This is false as I've learned that the commission dollars are only weakly tied to what I have sold. More important to my compensation is how Labcorp decides to do their math for the year and what type of compensation plan is devised to confuse all of us. Is there anyone out there who can confidently say that they understand the Labcorp sales compensation plans?
This is a negative loop that Labcorp needs to find their way out of. Good people are getting discouraged and are no longer enthusiastic about closing sales. Those good people stop giving it anything more than what is required to not get fired.
I jumped in with two feet right from the start. I learned that I am one of the few who took this approach as the vast majority are doing the minimum hoping to keep collecting the base and crossing their fingers when the monthly numbers come out. To me, my monthly commission report is like the lottery- out of my control and totally unpredictable.
Very disheartening to know that I will not be compensated for my sales, but on the bright side maybe this is the push I need to leave the company (along with MANY others in my segment who have jumped ship over the last year).
I was fooled when I took this job. It was made to sound like a job where sales is directly tied to my commission dollars. This is false as I've learned that the commission dollars are only weakly tied to what I have sold. More important to my compensation is how Labcorp decides to do their math for the year and what type of compensation plan is devised to confuse all of us. Is there anyone out there who can confidently say that they understand the Labcorp sales compensation plans?
This is a negative loop that Labcorp needs to find their way out of. Good people are getting discouraged and are no longer enthusiastic about closing sales. Those good people stop giving it anything more than what is required to not get fired.
I jumped in with two feet right from the start. I learned that I am one of the few who took this approach as the vast majority are doing the minimum hoping to keep collecting the base and crossing their fingers when the monthly numbers come out. To me, my monthly commission report is like the lottery- out of my control and totally unpredictable.