Is anyone from ONC actually....


going to take a PC position if offered just to keep a paycheck or is it that bad? Is anyone from ONC left or did everyone opt out?

Next position is lined up. Gonna double-dip for a while. I am interested in how OB manages this train wreck. Luckily, I will watch from afar, and avoid the radiation.

Well I opted out, but know others that stayed for that very reason. Gone are the days of loving your job, or loving the patients. It's now just to get a paycheck until they find something else.

It's a sad sad day, and I hope that OB, an LC realize what they have done to this company single handedly.

I am amazed that there are any people left. All have lost trust in the whole organization.

It's a sad sad day, and I hope that OB, an LC realize what they have done to this company single handedly.

I am amazed that there are any people left. All have lost trust in the whole organization.

Those people that end up staying are destined for disaster. It's only a matter of time. If you ever had trust in this company, it's your own fault so accept responsibility, take your lesson learned, and move on--quickly.

Its sad how some DMs are so desperate for their jobs they let their insecurity get the best of them and they abuse their reps unnecessarily. It adds to making the whole situation worse. Fortunately there are a few DMs who are real leaders and know how to deal with this sort of thing.

Its sad how some DMs are so desperate for their jobs they let their insecurity get the best of them and they abuse their reps unnecessarily. It adds to making the whole situation worse. Fortunately there are a few DMs who are real leaders and know how to deal with this sort of thing.

Really? Name them. Oh wait, you must be a DM.....

Not a DM. Just someone telling it like it is. There are some managers that earn respect of those around them and some that are self-centered micromanagers who couldnt lead flies to shit.

Please let me know their names, because where I am they are all self centered, egotistical, and down right bad!

Only a very few and they might not be here after Monday! JW, GH, JT & JA.

The worst ones are TC, TW(DC), JB, MW, J(M)O, MH(Phil), MB, RF, DL & KM. It will be a shock if at least half of this group of idiots are retained! I believe each of these folks lost very good people to the Opt Out!

The ones not mentioned are in the "take 'em or leave 'em" option. Maybe good in some areas and suk in others.

No self respecting Onc rep is going to put up with this primary care mentality that is presently going on in this company. Goal of company appears to be get rid of high paid reps who hate it here and gear up for the best PC reps to take their places once PC is collapsed. How many times did Naito stand on stage January 25th and tell OB to fix A23 and turn it around? Everybody their thought PC was in real trouble! Abd what did OB do? Protect them first, then get rid of Onc reps!

Amazing to me that A23 had been out 9 nine months and still not doing s#!+! Halaven has been out close to 4 months and going thru the roof! Go figure which group should have been re-strucured first! Nothing against PC folks, it is just plain stupid to put off the inevitable! I would not want to be laid off at Thanksgiving or Christmas! I will enjoy the spring and fall and will be better off without the toxic hostile environment of Aysi!

'nuff said!

Only a very few and they might not be here after Monday! JW, GH, JT & JA.

The worst ones are TC, TW(DC), JB, MW, J(M)O, MH(Phil), MB, RF, DL & KM. It will be a shock if at least half of this group of idiots are retained! I believe each of these folks lost very good people to the Opt Out!

The ones not mentioned are in the "take 'em or leave 'em" option. Maybe good in some areas and suk in others.

No self respecting Onc rep is going to put up with this primary care mentality that is presently going on in this company. Goal of company appears to be get rid of high paid reps who hate it here and gear up for the best PC reps to take their places once PC is collapsed. How many times did Naito stand on stage January 25th and tell OB to fix A23 and turn it around? Everybody their thought PC was in real trouble! Abd what did OB do? Protect them first, then get rid of Onc reps!

Amazing to me that A23 had been out 9 nine months and still not doing s#!+! Halaven has been out close to 4 months and going thru the roof! Go figure which group should have been re-strucured first! Nothing against PC folks, it is just plain stupid to put off the inevitable! I would not want to be laid off at Thanksgiving or Christmas! I will enjoy the spring and fall and will be better off without the toxic hostile environment of Aysi!

'nuff said!

They could have gone back to the clinic alignment on September 30th and saved a lot of money to basically do the same thing now! Oncology did need to be cut and should have never been in this current configuration! Not picking on PC, because I know most of you are young and need to provide for your families. The A23 situation and aciphex mess is not your fault! Can we say dumb A$$ management and marketing? They fired your Marketing manager and replaced him with another "real winner"! But nobody in upper management was fired! And I am not talking about the "token" VP's who were let go!

Both PC and Oncology should have been "re-structured" at the same time! That way April 1st would be the "new beginning" for the whole company! Do you actually believe that revenue from A23 and Aciphex is going to increase? There is no way A@# will do $650,000,000 in 2012 before it goes off patent in 2013! What kind of idiots do you think we are LC & OB!

Only a very few and they might not be here after Monday! JW, GH, JT & JA.

The worst ones are TC, TW(DC), JB, MW, J(M)O, MH(Phil), MB, RF, DL & KM. It will be a shock if at least half of this group of idiots are retained! I believe each of these folks lost very good people to the Opt Out!

The ones not mentioned are in the "take 'em or leave 'em" option. Maybe good in some areas and suk in others.

No self respecting Onc rep is going to put up with this primary care mentality that is presently going on in this company. Goal of company appears to be get rid of high paid reps who hate it here and gear up for the best PC reps to take their places once PC is collapsed. How many times did Naito stand on stage January 25th and tell OB to fix A23 and turn it around? Everybody their thought PC was in real trouble! Abd what did OB do? Protect them first, then get rid of Onc reps!

Amazing to me that A23 had been out 9 nine months and still not doing s#!+! Halaven has been out close to 4 months and going thru the roof! Go figure which group should have been re-strucured first! Nothing against PC folks, it is just plain stupid to put off the inevitable! I would not want to be laid off at Thanksgiving or Christmas! I will enjoy the spring and fall and will be better off without the toxic hostile environment of Aysi!

'nuff said!

I think you are wrong about all of these folks losing good people to the optout. How can you make such a blanket statement about half of the dms in the division when you have probably never worked for more than one or two of them? You only really know how it is to work for someone or even much about them if you have worked for them. Then how do you know who did the optout.

Everything else is dead on. I am hoping to survive long enough to get my bonus and find another job. The part about finding another job could become a real sense of urgency depending on if my dm makes the cut. I will not be in as much of a hurry for a new job if my current dm is safe. Monday we will know for sure how screwed up things are when they announce which dms are staying. Either way this company has been gutted of any people with real leadership qualities or experience. The future is a bit scary.

I think you are wrong about all of these folks losing good people to the optout. How can you make such a blanket statement about half of the dms in the division when you have probably never worked for more than one or two of them? You only really know how it is to work for someone or even much about them if you have worked for them. Then how do you know who did the optout.

Everything else is dead on. I am hoping to survive long enough to get my bonus and find another job. The part about finding another job could become a real sense of urgency depending on if my dm makes the cut. I will not be in as much of a hurry for a new job if my current dm is safe. Monday we will know for sure how screwed up things are when they announce which dms are staying. Either way this company has been gutted of any people with real leadership qualities or experience. The future is a bit scary.

Oh little grasshopper, I have to esplain everything to you...

Just look at MGI under lost civilizations and see how many folks are listed as Opt Out. And do u not believe that people will talk? Our network is alive and well! Friendships that go back to HME days with Anzemet! We take care of each other! And those folks listed at MGI did work for some of those sorry DM's listed! And some did work for the good ones as well! This place really went to hell last October 1st when this current stupid configuration came about. Twice a month work-withs with idiots who just wanted to "check the box", get Marriott points, put in success stories to their PC "Onc RD" instead of "Driving the business" as my former DM did with great style! These people "think" they know Oncology and they could not poor p!$$ out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel!

Anymore questions, grasshopper?

Oh little grasshopper, I have to esplain everything to you...

Just look at MGI under lost civilizations and see how many folks are listed as Opt Out. And do u not believe that people will talk? Our network is alive and well! Friendships that go back to HME days with Anzemet! We take care of each other! And those folks listed at MGI did work for some of those sorry DM's listed! And some did work for the good ones as well! This place really went to hell last October 1st when this current stupid configuration came about. Twice a month work-withs with idiots who just wanted to "check the box", get Marriott points, put in success stories to their PC "Onc RD" instead of "Driving the business" as my former DM did with great style! These people "think" they know Oncology and they could not poor p!$$ out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel!

Anymore questions, grasshopper?

You need to get a life.

To the person posting the initials of the DMs. With J(M)O, I hope you are not referring to MO in Atlanta. He is one of the few DMs that gets it and has been the best DM I have had in 22 years in the industry.