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Is anyone else tired of this game?


I am Getting tired of the whole medical gig. I remember when this was a fun and exciting job. Now I travel to cover a territory twice the size for the same pay. And I am bored to death.

Is anyone else out there rowing in this boat? Where is the money outside of medical sales?


If you are in the top 10% of your trade in a metro area these figures are certainly obtainable. I would only guess that the top 10% of reps hit the 150k mark as well. I love how everyone complains they aren't making enough...change roles, become an independent and control your own destiny. Move into finance, sell oil, sell jets, sell commercial real estate.... Those I know making big money worked very hard (& smart) for it or got really damn lucky. I understand many people are in a comfortable position and would love a smooth transition into a higher income but it "generally" doesn't happen that way.

I am Getting tired of the whole medical gig. I remember when this was a fun and exciting job. Now I travel to cover a territory twice the size for the same pay. And I am bored to death.

Is anyone else out there rowing in this boat? Where is the money outside of medical sales?

I couldn't agree more! I've been in this medical sales world for 10 years now and I hate it completely! Doctors don't give a shit anymore, managers sit home in their pj's looking at spreadsheets all day, VP of sales tell's managers to put everyone on PIP's regardless of how much money they made the company in the past, and last but not least insurance companies owned by hospitals never approve anything.

I'd go back to B2B in a minute if I could find something that paid me equivalently and wasn't a total insult to my intelligence like paychecks, copiers, etc. etc.

150k....constructions workers, electricians, plumbers, nurse managers & PA's can make that. Thats a good living but I'm talking about 250k+ money.

Who's really making 250 anymore! I know of laid of stent reps, spine reps, etc. etc. taking stupid pharma jobs just to feed their family. If your still making that kind of money, or ever did at all I love to know who you work for?

Coal miner-making 125,000 salary plus annual bonuses.

I think I'd rather move to N. Dakota and work on the oil wells, then deal with all the shit happening in medical sales right now. It sucks that all you worked for can get taken away by a hospital owned insurance company. Everything out now is Mee2 commodities.