Is anyone at Strativa happy?


From reading these post everyone seems pretty unhappy. Strativa is a very insulting company to work for. If you are any good at all then you need to get out. There are plenty of other pharma jobs out there. Don't believe the hype that you are lucky to have a job at Strativa.

From reading these post everyone seems pretty unhappy. Strativa is a very insulting company to work for. If you are any good at all then you need to get out. There are plenty of other pharma jobs out there. Don't believe the hype that you are lucky to have a job at Strativa.

It's not a terrible place to work depending on your manager....i mean they pretty much still pay you a bonus even if you finish below your goals....lots of companies would give you nothing or get rid of you

Looks like some managers have time to be playing on their computers too. The company pays bonuses every quarter you say. Do you mean for the two quarters most people stay? Are you serious. Reps are spending their days hunting for signatures and trying to spend the absurd budget. Read the boards. Have you ever read this level of resentment? A good salesforce doesn't preform based on weekly fire drills and "get it done by 5PM," ultimatums. Christ, if the Hyundai salesforce had a board to write on they would be saying nicer things.

This company will not be around in a year. Team 1 is ok. ES supports the sales force but team 2 lets do the math. Add all your scripts up for a quarter. Then multiply by 4 to make it a years worth of sales. Then lets add 10% to that suggesting that there is actually some growth during the year. Then figure out what your base plus bonus is. add 12,000 for car, gas and insurance. then health insurance, marketing material, cost of samples, perk points, RP's, marketings, IT Dept,sales opps, help desk, your DM and your RM base salary and bonuses,
All these things add up. I am sure I am missing something.
Anyways, the cost of all these come from the reps. Your territory needs to support all these costs.
Right now it's the share holders money that supports us. Do you think in a year we will be doing enough business to support oursleves? I think not.
You could multiply your business by 10 and it would still not fit the bill.

This company will be sold or a team 2 layoff will come soon. Investors are too smart to take it in the rear for that long.

Looks like some managers have time to be playing on their computers too. The company pays bonuses every quarter you say. Do you mean for the two quarters most people stay? Are you serious. Reps are spending their days hunting for signatures and trying to spend the absurd budget. Read the boards. Have you ever read this level of resentment? A good salesforce doesn't preform based on weekly fire drills and "get it done by 5PM," ultimatums. Christ, if the Hyundai salesforce had a board to write on they would be saying nicer things.

Yes, in fact I have read this level of resentment. It's on every fucking company board on CP. This is a way for cowards to vent their frustrations due to lack of talent and work ethic.

Yes, in fact I have read this level of resentment. It's on every fucking company board on CP. This is a way for cowards to vent their frustrations due to lack of talent and work ethic.

Lack of talent and work ethic, hmmmm. Sounds like a PERFECT description of upper management. Just add lack of any type of moral compass and you've got it nailed.

Lack of talent and work ethic, hmmmm. Sounds like a PERFECT description of upper management. Just add lack of any type of moral compass and you've got it nailed.

was thinking more along the lines of the lackluster sales reps employed here always wanting the easy way out. When your performance sucks its alway everyone else's fault. WHen your territory is doing well you will take full accountability and boast about it. Here's a newsflash for you: every company has a system of checks and balances to insure people are working. No matter what you say to try and deflect this, facts are facts. So quit complaining, do your job, and shut your pie hole.

It's not a terrible place to work depending on your manager....i mean they pretty much still pay you a bonus even if you finish below your goals....lots of companies would give you nothing or get rid of you

Is that all you got? Are you stupid? Strativa is a nightmare of wheels. Just because the pay a bonus doesn't mean the whole place doesn't suck. Half of the sales force has quit... twice! The place is bleeding money (thank god) and they have developed a reputation as someplace to avoid at all cost. Christ, you are better working at Publix...really.

was thinking more along the lines of the lackluster sales reps employed here always wanting the easy way out. When your performance sucks its alway everyone else's fault. WHen your territory is doing well you will take full accountability and boast about it. Here's a newsflash for you: every company has a system of checks and balances to insure people are working. No matter what you say to try and deflect this, facts are facts. So quit complaining, do your job, and shut your pie hole.
Oh, aren't you tough. What a great manager you are. Checks and balances. You're right, every company does have checks and balances and needs to. So how are Strativa's checks and balances working for you? Half of the sales force has quit... twice! Do you consider a 50% turnover good checks and balances. Do you think we are Goldman Sachs? Having a computer that dies while you are waiting for a signiture... every day... good checks and balances? Signing your computer yourself... good checks and balances? Having weekly fire drills forcing reps to do a half ass job just to get the pointless, non revenue producing project done, good checks and balances? Your tunnel vision has taken away your perspective. I want you to watch and your team, your region and the entire sales force continues to run for the door. You can mention to the other managers about the great checks and balances. Strativa isn't the Navy Seals, just a small, mismanaged little Pharma startup that nobody else in the industry has ever heard of. Oh, and as far as "boasting" about your territories performance... at what point in an average 6 month Strativa career does this happen?

I can come up with a long list of things that is wrong with this company. For me its the hurdles they put in front of us. They say they want you to just sell and then give you a top 30 to call on and most of the doctors dont even see thrush. Why can't I just sell? There is always a box to check. Also, I am always chasing a sig before 9 and after 4pm. It's sad. If you take the reigns off, the company would do better. Plus 2 weeks vacation and only 3 personal/ sick days? It is not industry standard which doesnt retain employees.


I can come up with a long list of things that is wrong with this company. For me its the hurdles they put in front of us. They say they want you to just sell and then give you a top 30 to call on and most of the doctors dont even see thrush. Why can't I just sell? There is always a box to check. Also, I am always chasing a sig before 9 and after 4pm. It's sad. If you take the reigns off, the company would do better. Plus 2 weeks vacation and only 3 personal/ sick days? It is not industry standard which doesnt retain employees.


I get a holiday shutdown. Didn't you get the memo ass wipe?

LePore was a rep for Roche before marketing. He and Painter have worked together for 20 years. LePore is very well aware of Painter's style. He is his mentor! Do not think for one second that LePore does not endorse the way that the sales force is being managed.