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Is Anyone Actually Actually Happy to be Switching To Baxalta?


No one is happy, but everyone is faking it.

Who wants to work for a no-name company?

And it's now a smaller company, so your insurance will become more expensive next year.

This company will follow what every other healthcare spin-off has done and will be sold within 5 years ala every "lost civilization" listed on cafepharma. If you work here you have a job for 5 years tops. Work hard so the company can look good to investors and then lose your job. Everyone knows it by now and everyone is talking about it. So morale here is low.

Stock Price is not reflecting Bob Parkinson's enthusiasm. Entities owning Baxter stock including Baxter senior management is not very happy with Bob P right now. Maybe things will turn around after the spin off.

I agree that I only have 5 years left until we're bought by some sleazy investment group.

Now I can put my 5-year AMWAY empire building plan into action. By that time, I'll be double-diamond with a FAT organization and tons of passive income rolling my way.

I can't wait!

If you're at Baxalta, you at least have the opportunity for company growth and the stock to go up. What does old and tired Baxter have to drive growth? Nothing. Innovation is at an all time low. They will have to do more acquisitions to grow anything there.

This company will follow what every other healthcare spin-off has done and will be sold within 5 years ala every "lost civilization" listed on cafepharma. If you work here you have a job for 5 years tops. Work hard so the company can look good to investors and then lose your job. Everyone knows it by now and everyone is talking about it. So morale here is low.

Baxalta is not corrupt and if anyone has looked on their career website you will see lots of job postings for the Thousand Oaks plant and Westlake lots of jobs so Baxter employees get ready because they will be unemployed Baxter worst company ever!!!!

Why quit when I can get a package to leave. I will just sit it out and get paid until they want to force me to leave. Baxter is afraid of CA state emolyment laws. This job is easy.

Why don't you post your name to increase your credibility, if your not happy here at Baxalta there is always a door.
you really want their name how about you give your name we are all sitting waiting in Westlake and Thousand Oaks calif to see when they will give us are notices very sad and very worried

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