Is Andy the definition of "Micromanager"


Seriously, I have worked for Pfizer for about 15 years and have had some really good managers and some really bad ones. I don't know that I have ever seen a business unit President who is as much of a micromanager as Andy in Oncology. Who else has been on a Xalkori "mission control" and had to listen to a bunch of HQ people go over what you are doing and offer you absolutely nothing worthwhile to help. Your doing a great job--sorry those ALK positive patients just don't seem to exist in your territory in the numbers we projected. My boss is never available--she's always either prepping for a mission control, submitting data for some kind of dashboard, or simply wondering what her next ridiculous requirement is going to be.
Can you just leave us the hell alone for a while and let us sell? Find something productive to do in NYC--go to the local margarita bar and get wasted! You're not helping with you hands on approach and all your doing is pissing us off. I got a call from BI today about their new sales force and have a phone interview next week. Yes--I'll talk to them--they can't be any worse that what we are putting up with now, and maybe I can get a raise.


Seriously, I have worked for Pfizer for about 15 years and have had some really good managers and some really bad ones. I don't know that I have ever seen a business unit President who is as much of a micromanager as Andy in Oncology. Who else has been on a Xalkori "mission control" and had to listen to a bunch of HQ people go over what you are doing and offer you absolutely nothing worthwhile to help. Your doing a great job--sorry those ALK positive patients just don't seem to exist in your territory in the numbers we projected. My boss is never available--she's always either prepping for a mission control, submitting data for some kind of dashboard, or simply wondering what her next ridiculous requirement is going to be.
Can you just leave us the hell alone for a while and let us sell? Find something productive to do in NYC--go to the local margarita bar and get wasted! You're not helping with you hands on approach and all your doing is pissing us off. I got a call from BI today about their new sales force and have a phone interview next week. Yes--I'll talk to them--they can't be any worse that what we are putting up with now, and maybe I can get a raise.

Ride the hubby chubby. Dress up in Star Trek Mission Control space suit. Get a life.

Seriously, I have worked for Pfizer for about 15 years and have had some really good managers and some really bad ones. I don't know that I have ever seen a business unit President who is as much of a micromanager as Andy in Oncology. Who else has been on a Xalkori "mission control" and had to listen to a bunch of HQ people go over what you are doing and offer you absolutely nothing worthwhile to help. Your doing a great job--sorry those ALK positive patients just don't seem to exist in your territory in the numbers we projected. My boss is never available--she's always either prepping for a mission control, submitting data for some kind of dashboard, or simply wondering what her next ridiculous requirement is going to be.
Can you just leave us the hell alone for a while and let us sell? Find something productive to do in NYC--go to the local margarita bar and get wasted! You're not helping with you hands on approach and all your doing is pissing us off. I got a call from BI today about their new sales force and have a phone interview next week. Yes--I'll talk to them--they can't be any worse that what we are putting up with now, and maybe I can get a raise.

Yes, many agree with you. Please feel free to join us in the Pfizer Oncology post below. And his name is now schmandy.

Yes, many agree with you. Please feel free to join us in the Pfizer Oncology post below. And his name is now schmandy.

yes I am familiar with "shmandy" and his tricks-he once told me that he was a beautiful orange bird and that at night when he closes his eyes and lays on his pillow-his feather spread and his orange wings take him soaring above celestial horses

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