Is Amarin a prime buyout candidate?

Could very well be so. Looks like this may become a losing and legal nightmare for azn and what a better way to settle this whole fiasco and simply take them outright here

Its a prime candidate but we need a suitor. I been an investor, employee and a user of Vascepa. This product has changed my entire lipid profile, but the residual effects have been outstanding. I feel better, think clearer and its a great preventative drug in reducing heart attacks. We do not have the indication, but the Jelis study is exactly the Reduce-it study and we hardly eat any fish here, so the results in my opinion once completed will change medicine. Amarin needs to release preliminary data as soon as possible. I go to office that run the clinical trial for Amarin & and the doctors are shocked how well it works. Let's hope for the best.

I feel better, think clearer

So are you saying this drug affects your mood and improves your ability to think? It's always funny how people who are diagnosed with high cholesterol say they feel "sluggish" or they feel better when they lower their cholesterol. It doesn't work that way - it has no effect on how you feel which is why tons of people go unchecked. Why do we always have to go overboard on everything? If fish oil has a positive effect why not just eat fish once or twice a week. Why make a super concentrated pill?

So are you saying this drug affects your mood and improves your ability to think? It's always funny how people who are diagnosed with high cholesterol say they feel "sluggish" or they feel better when they lower their cholesterol. It doesn't work that way - it has no effect on how you feel which is why tons of people go unchecked. Why do we always have to go overboard on everything? If fish oil has a positive effect why not just eat fish once or twice a week. Why make a super concentrated pill?

You are an idiot.