Is a Renal Warning Letter Coming?

That's funny it's in the label. You positive about that? All those post marketing events made it in the label? Scientific customers are curiously talking don't you think?

Here is what we do know, you're getting your asses kicked! You can't even give that 10 pill shit storm away. You guys are killing it! NOT! Doctors are not impressed with your shit show. The numbers don't lie! As for renal. I have a big territory and not heard of one issue. What I have heard is I don't want to use VPak. Nice try tool.

No not at all. We are focused on kicking your asses. Our product is great. There are always a few bumps, but it no big deal. Remember what Ricky Bobby Sr said: "If you ain't first, you're last". And you're last. Enjoy that experience.

No, you've shown your hand. You're really quite emotional and it hurts doesn't it? Don't worry cupcake, it will all be fine soon. Just ask your academic customers.....think they know?

No, you've shown your hand. You're really quite emotional and it hurts doesn't it? Don't worry cupcake, it will all be fine soon. Just ask your academic customers.....think they know

The number don't lie. You will never have a minority share. VP is a non issue. The numbers show that providers including academics choose Harvoni.

Your welcome! I'm enjoying watching your super human efforts for all 5 scripts since launch in my territory. I will refer to you as Mr Amazing from now on when laughing about how great you are. Do you have 2 mystery degrees too. Probably a PHD in Asshole. No go back to your mom's basement and work on your call plan before you're PIP's right out of that shit show.

just an observer to the above posts. Very entertaining. I'm a psych major and if I had to say the Gilead person seems to have the edge on the better product verbiage, but he-she was totally dominated by whoever was posting. My guess a competitor who really knows how to tweak "cupcake". That was the funniest manipulation I ever saw, getting a emotionally violent person to admit they were a cupcake. Keep posting, hilarious!

No doubt. Allowing yourself to be called cupcake and calling your competitor Mr. Amazing. You are either a chick who is violent and likes Will Ferrell. Odd. Or you kissed a boy and liked it and you are angry still. Which is it?

Exactly, cupcake has no clue he's actually the trans in the basement. Thinks he's anthony Hopkins. Hilarious. No wonder why this dude doesn't know about the renal issues, he's too afraid to enter the halls of a higher learning institution for fear of being found out. Back to the closet for you cupcake. Keep trying cupcake my psych friends are getting seriously interested.