Is a Low Performance Review Bye BYe Time


I worked 12 hour days, weekends, etc. and did a stellar performance in 2013 and guess what I got for it? A crappy Year end review and a crappy AIP? I was given the whole BS routine about the bell curve. I walked out then he started that. Can I assume I will be laid off? My group hasn't been hit yet but I assume it is coming.



I worked 12 hour days, weekends, etc. and did a stellar performance in 2013 and guess what I got for it? A crappy Year end review and a crappy AIP? I was given the whole BS routine about the bell curve. I walked out then he started that. Can I assume I will be laid off? My group hasn't been hit yet but I assume it is coming.


You're obviously not a rep. Just for stating that you worked12 hrs/day is grounds for termination in my book. As painful as the light of truth might be, the fact remains that the pharma rep job has devolved into one of the lamest jobs on the planet, and trying to convince your CTL (or anyone for that matter) of the vital role and impact you have is a Herculean exercise in BS gymnastics to say the least. That being said, it begs the question, if the rep job has been reduced to irrelevancy, what does that say about the layers of management that oversees this farce?

You're obviously not a rep. Just for stating that you worked12 hrs/day is grounds for termination in my book. As painful as the light of truth might be, the fact remains that the pharma rep job has devolved into one of the lamest jobs on the planet, and trying to convince your CTL (or anyone for that matter) of the vital role and impact you have is a Herculean exercise in BS gymnastics to say the least. That being said, it begs the question, if the rep job has been reduced to irrelevancy, what does that say about the layers of management that oversees this farce?

You must have worked in some capacity under Riad. Be warned that he will change payouts after the fact. Have a banner year? VP winner? Riad can and will give a payout under 100%. Ask around as I speak the truth.

I worked 12 hour days, weekends, etc. and did a stellar performance in 2013 and guess what I got for it? A crappy Year end review and a crappy AIP? I was given the whole BS routine about the bell curve. I walked out then he started that. Can I assume I will be laid off? My group hasn't been hit yet but I assume it is coming.


You should be laid off for working for free like a moron

You are absolutely, right. I was a moron. But no more. I now have a life. And no I am not a rep. Just somebody who enjoys my work. It's an IT job and I really like what I do.

It was a sign for me. Like you, the low rating wasn't deserved. Most layoffs are planned several weeks if not months in advance. If your manager knew you were on the list to be let go, he would give you a low rating because he would want the people who were going to be there longer to get the better merit raise and bonus

It was a sign for me. Like you, the low rating wasn't deserved. Most layoffs are planned several weeks if not months in advance. If your manager knew you were on the list to be let go, he would give you a low rating because he would want the people who were going to be there longer to get the better merit raise and bonus

Too bad if you have extenuating circumstances......we can all list a bunch of things out of our control. Managed care, non working pod mates, fair weather docs or just that thing called they like you or dislike you.

Slackers with a manager who likes them is a golden employee! Defends them, makes excuses for them and the lot.

You're obviously not a rep. Just for stating that you worked12 hrs/day is grounds for termination in my book. As painful as the light of truth might be, the fact remains that the pharma rep job has devolved into one of the lamest jobs on the planet, and trying to convince your CTL (or anyone for that matter) of the vital role and impact you have is a Herculean exercise in BS gymnastics to say the least. That being said, it begs the question, if the rep job has been reduced to irrelevancy, what does that say about the layers of management that oversees this farce?

Nothing will happen to all those useless layers of management…the company exists to make life easy for them…

the whole industry is a farce at this point...

To the original poster-
Likely yes, the low PR is just a step towards the justification required to let you go in the next round.

Is it a guarantee? No, a fees from my group that had low reviews stayed, but are presently living under hellish conditions, had to train others in their job and have been stripped of duties, so the clock is ticking.

While not legal, if you have some years, advanced degrees, higher range for your salary, you are already on the radar.

That said, I was let go in October. Found work again, in pharma and have a VASTLY reduced stress level. Far more pleasant working conditions, and far less drama. And yes, it is at 14% less. And that sucks, but comparing life at Merck to life after, it is worth it.

As before someone talks about eating stress of lunch- I was in SF in the military- a hard day and stress are nothing. Mindless BS, for a management tea that doesn't care or have a clue, deadlines just to create work and a culture of secrecy and demeaning others is something to wear you down.

I do not doubt some are happy at Merck. They have to be. But I can say in a research division, nearly everyone, LSP and LM were miserable.

I would truly like to see someone truly happy with the current direction, pipeline, and workforce practices say they are happy there. If so, they must be a SLT with a golden parachute.

To the original poster-
Likely yes, the low PR is just a step towards the justification required to let you go in the next round.

Is it a guarantee? No, a fees from my group that had low reviews stayed, but are presently living under hellish conditions, had to train others in their job and have been stripped of duties, so the clock is ticking.

While not legal, if you have some years, advanced degrees, higher range for your salary, you are already on the radar.

That said, I was let go in October. Found work again, in pharma and have a VASTLY reduced stress level. Far more pleasant working conditions, and far less drama. And yes, it is at 14% less. And that sucks, but comparing life at Merck to life after, it is worth it.

As before someone talks about eating stress of lunch- I was in SF in the military- a hard day and stress are nothing. Mindless BS, for a management tea that doesn't care or have a clue, deadlines just to create work and a culture of secrecy and demeaning others is something to wear you down.

I do not doubt some are happy at Merck. They have to be. But I can say in a research division, nearly everyone, LSP and LM were miserable.

I would truly like to see someone truly happy with the current direction, pipeline, and workforce practices say they are happy there. If so, they must be a SLT with a golden parachute.



The forced distribution is a killer and unfair. I'm sure you didn't deserve it.

It sucks everywhere, and it's a joke at this point. Keep your head down, don't let it bother you. Like the previous poster stated- Unless you make a lot of $$$ or have been around awhile, you should be ok. Sounds like you work hard for cheap (kidding).

The forced distribution is a killer and unfair. I'm sure you didn't deserve it.

It sucks everywhere, and it's a joke at this point. Keep your head down, don't let it bother you. Like the previous poster stated- Unless you make a lot of $$$ or have been around awhile, you should be ok. Sounds like you work hard for cheap (kidding).

You are so right. The forced distribution has decimated Merck. It may arguably be useful as a one-time application. But when repeated year after depressing year, on an ever-dwindling and demoralized workforce, it has become a complete farce. The consequences have been dire. No one will take any risks anymore. No one will go out on a limb and innovate. Doing so means risking failure, which means you will be shoved into that ugly bottom pile.

This is also how Microsoft has been slaughtered in the mobile market by both Apple and Google (Android). No one wanted to collaborate and risk making someone else look better than themselves. Fokks operated in silos, jealously guarding their own secrets and ideas.That's why Ballmer was forced out, and they announced they are dropping their stack-ranking (forced distribution). But the damage has already been done. Android has 80% market shate for tablets/phones. Apple has 16-17%. Microsoft is at 3-4%. Pathetic.

This is what happens when HR and executive leadership blindly follow a plan, while failing to consider the disastrous long-term impact onon its workforce.

Smaller, more nimble companies understand this. They operate in a climate of trust and genuine collaboration. And they reward failure. Yes, you read that right. Failure means someone is trying something new...that may or may not work. No one is going to risk that in Merck's stifling forced-ranking system. Everyone at Merck is watching over their own shoulder, afraid to make even the tiniest mis-step. This, more than any other factor, has turned this once respected company into the sinking ship it is today. Bon voyage.

The forced distribution is a killer and unfair. I'm sure you didn't deserve it.

It sucks everywhere, and it's a joke at this point. Keep your head down, don't let it bother you. Like the previous poster stated- Unless you make a lot of $$$ or have been around awhile, you should be ok. Sounds like you work hard for cheap (kidding).

Forced distribution started with Enron. We're lucky with a mandatory 10% being poor performers at Enron it was 15%.

Though, we have to be 'thankful' to the corporation because, remember, they're people too~.

The forced distribution is a killer and unfair. I'm sure you didn't deserve it.

It sucks everywhere, and it's a joke at this point. Keep your head down, don't let it bother you. Like the previous poster stated- Unless you make a lot of $$$ or have been around awhile, you should be ok. Sounds like you work hard for cheap (kidding).

Forced ranking is the stupidest system ever devised for rating individual performance. Smart companies that value employee contributions, and encourage innovation and input, do not evaluate their people using this inflexible stupidity. If you wanted to rot a company from the roots you could not devise a more destructive way than to force rank. What makes this system laughable is we have all seen individuals be at the bottom one year who catapult to the top the next based on meeting (or not meeting) some random objectives. Your either a top performer or an incompetent boob who needs to be PIP out of the company. Merck preaches team work but then lays out a rating system that only encourages people to throw their co-workers under the bus and stab them in the back . My manager once asked me "what do you think of our team", to which I replied " I hope they all suck so I will be the one to stand out". Enough said!

I agree regarding forced ranking. I have no motivation to do anything anymore. Also, I received no indication all year my performance was in jeopardy. I am not sure how to continue working feeling this way. I am planning to start looking but really want my package. I am close to 55 and want that retirement bridge so at least I don't have to worry about insurance. This company has become a nightmare. I went over my bosses head and now my boss is even being meaner and more unreasonable . They really know how to destroy morale. What do they tjink by treating someone low they will become high. My group is already very thin. This was a brilliant move.

I agree regarding forced ranking. I have no motivation to do anything anymore. Also, I received no indication all year my performance was in jeopardy. I am not sure how to continue working feeling this way. I am planning to start looking but really want my package. I am close to 55 and want that retirement bridge so at least I don't have to worry about insurance. This company has become a nightmare. I went over my bosses head and now my boss is even being meaner and more unreasonable . They really know how to destroy morale. What do they tjink by treating someone low they will become high. My group is already very thin. This was a brilliant move.

Its not just the insurance bridge you's the 10 years or more of service.

Difference is being able to buy a bottle of milk at retirement or at one bag of groceries and a little more! Hang in for at least 10 if you are an oldie and building a full head of greys!

You are so right. The forced distribution has decimated Merck. It may arguably be useful as a one-time application. But when repeated year after depressing year, on an ever-dwindling and demoralized workforce, it has become a complete farce. The consequences have been dire. No one will take any risks anymore. No one will go out on a limb and innovate. Doing so means risking failure, which means you will be shoved into that ugly bottom pile.

This is also how Microsoft has been slaughtered in the mobile market by both Apple and Google (Android). No one wanted to collaborate and risk making someone else look better than themselves. Fokks operated in silos, jealously guarding their own secrets and ideas.That's why Ballmer was forced out, and they announced they are dropping their stack-ranking (forced distribution). But the damage has already been done. Android has 80% market shate for tablets/phones. Apple has 16-17%. Microsoft is at 3-4%. Pathetic.

This is what happens when HR and executive leadership blindly follow a plan, while failing to consider the disastrous long-term impact onon its workforce.

Smaller, more nimble companies understand this. They operate in a climate of trust and genuine collaboration. And they reward failure. Yes, you read that right. Failure means someone is trying something new...that may or may not work. No one is going to risk that in Merck's stifling forced-ranking system. Everyone at Merck is watching over their own shoulder, afraid to make even the tiniest mis-step. This, more than any other factor, has turned this once respected company into the sinking ship it is today. Bon voyage.

As a manager here you have little choice but to work in a silo system to protect your people. You can write whatever you want. We do have managers who are fair and just. Some prefered not to work in that silo and were released. This is like the TV show survivor. I don't trust anyone but I do fight for people. You need to mKe things better all alone. It's been this way for years. Making incremental changes behind the curtains. If you talk about changing things, even with the best intentions and ideas you will be shown the door. Seen it at least thirty times

As a manager here you have little choice but to work in a silo system to protect your people. You can write whatever you want. We do have managers who are fair and just. Some prefered not to work in that silo and were released. This is like the TV show survivor. I don't trust anyone but I do fight for people. You need to mKe things better all alone. It's been this way for years. Making incremental changes behind the curtains. If you talk about changing things, even with the best intentions and ideas you will be shown the door. Seen it at least thirty times

Managers might be put into a few buckets. Those who sees life in the field as it is and protects those who warrant being protected. Others can seek to protect or promote only their own interests; often favoring pets and slackers over those who actually do the work. Then there are those who can't see reality or determine what is up and what is down.

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